By Jennifer Taylor

Kevin Haah (far right) along with two staff members of New City Church of Los Angeles, Josh Paredes (far left) and Jonathan McCracken. Also pictured is Nidya Paredes.
Three years ago, Stadia partnered with Kevin Haah to plant New City Church of Los Angeles. Last month, Haah announced a partnership with Stadia that will result in 200 more churches across Los Angeles.
“New City has grown to about 400 people,” he says. “We reflect the ethnic and economic diversity of downtown and have built an amazing community of believers here. We want this same experience in every neighborhood in the city.”
Haah says Los Angelenos identify with specific neighborhoods, mentioning one of 119 areas when asked where they”re from. The neighborhoods range from small, 10,000-person areas to “cities within a city” like Koreatown, home to 225,000 people.
“If you include the communities that make up metro Los Angeles, there are about 200 neighborhoods,” he says. “Our vision is to plant a new church in each one.”
Ten other area congregations””many, but not all, independent Christian churches””are working together to accomplish the goal. This “Los Angeles Church Planting Network” has raised most of the money for the first two plants. Each of the 200 churches will be a Restoration Movement church, and Stadia has agreed to donate $50,000 to each one.
“We”re thinking slow and steady,” Haah says. “If we are faithful to plant one or two or three every year, and keep at it, we can have a huge influence for the gospel in this city. And we believe that as we show success in the first plants and build momentum, God will provide the planters and resources.”
He hopes people across the country with a heart for Los Angeles will join the cause, and he welcomes questions from churches interested in helping. Contact him at [email protected].