21 October, 2024
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Helicopter parenting is dead. Bulldozer parenting is dead. Divine-sovereignty is the new parenting style

We were made to be images of God. And this is the primary role of parents. To pour in and summon out the truth of this identity in the emerging generation.

‘Step Forward’ Teaches Youth Leadership and Fosters Discipleship

The “Step Forward” program is intentionally raising up students to be leaders in the church and teaching them to make disciples.

Three Young Ladies Who Left the Church: An Uber Story

An Uber driver’s story of three young ladies who shared the reasons for why they left the church.

‘God Hasn’t Lost an Inch of Territory to the Devil’: Restoration Movement Ministries Carry on in Haiti

Amid heightened gang violence, kidnappings, and even the murder of American missionaries in Haiti, work for Christ’s kingdom continues in that country.

‘Be Salt and Light’: Campus Ministry Leader Served as Track-and-Field Official at Paris Olympics

As millions of people watched the summer Olympics in Paris, University of Aransas Campus Minister Mike Armstrong served as a track-and-field official for the event.

Dean C. Collins Announces Retirement from Presidency of Point University

Dean C. Collins, President of Point University, announces his plan to retire at the conclusion of the current academic year.

Lifeline Reaches Milestone: 100 Million Meals Packed

Lifeline Christian Mission recently hit the milestone of having packed 100 million meals for people in need.

Point University Continues to Grow Enrollment Through Employer ‘Subscription’ Program

Point University continues to expand its enrollment through “subscription” agreements with Chick-fil-A and other companies.

In This Issue

Honoring Christ in an Age of Outrage

In a time when so many are drunk with rage, Christians—and leaders in particular—must be sober-minded. Don’t forget that we’ve got essential and eternal kingdom work to do.

Leading Like Jesus in a Cultural Quagmire

Only Jesus’ model of leadership can keep our flocks intact. Until we lift Jesus higher than our differences and above our preferences, we will not reach further than our own reflections.

Political Engagement in the Restoration Movement: An Historical Perspective

Alexander Campbell encouraged Christians to refrain from getting too involved with governmental affairs, but he also encouraged them to use their available political means to promote Christian values in society.

Character or Results … What Makes a Good Leader?

When we lead our local churches to see our local communities as our primary mission field, it gives Christians who are breathing the toxic fumes of expressive individualism a breath of fresh air. We are summoned outside of self to love something bigger than self . . . our God and neighbor.

Why From Another Place

In Christ, we are adopted into a lifespan, origin, and destiny literally out of this world. Blessed beyond measure. Chosen “before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Ephesians 1:4). Always and forever loved. From eternity to eternity!

Concluding a Work, Leaving a Legacy: How One Christian University Chose to Finish Well

Because we are kingdom stewards of what we have, if the ministry we lead is no longer viable (or at least viable in its present form), there should be a point at which there is a tension between using these resources to continue the ministry we lead and leaving them as a legacy.

The Passing of the Baton

At the end of the race, it won’t be the name Ozark or the name Lincoln that matters—only the name of Jesus. Our prayer is that God will use a little Missouri Bible college and seminary to make his name known among the nations.

‘Preach the Word’: Four Bible Colleges Focusing on the Preaching Mission of the Restoration Movement

The Restoration Movement isn’t bound together by an organization or authority structure, it is bound together by preaching.

+ The Lookout

October 27 Study | War Wounds

The great accuser of Christians (Satan) strives to counterfeit all the good works of God. Christians need to have wisdom from God to abstain from being deceived.

October 20 Study | War Strategy

In the war in Revelation 12 there is heaven’s strategy and earth’s strategy. The vision of Revelation 12 is about a battle between God and Satan.  

October 13 Study | War Casualties

War makes casualties—of earth, sky, and sea; of sun, moon, and stars; and worst of all, of people. The key to avoiding the casualties in this war is repentance. People’s repentance even affects other aspects of creation. The way to avoid these war casualties is repentance. 

October 6 Study | War Heroes

In the physical world blood does not wash garments clean; it stains. But in the spiritual world blood washes lives as white as snow. The real war heroes in the Book of Revelation made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. 

September 29 Study | Bow Down

Worship in heaven is on-going. It never ends—and never gets old.

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