17 February, 2025
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Your Will Be Done

Discipleship requires surrender—ceasing our battle of the wills and voluntarily submitting ourselves to the Lord.

Remembering Alan Ahlgrim (1947-2025)

Alan Ahlgrim’s legacy as a Christian leader and a mentor to pastors will be missed by many.

Keeping Up With Forty-Five Executive Orders

The perpetual onslaught of breaking news is numbing. It makes us care more … at least at first. But over time we get fatigued with the world’s chaos every second of every day, and we lose our ability to care.

Our Father

Using simple but profound language, Jesus teaches us to address God as a wise, powerful, loving Father.

Nebraska Nonprofit Aims to Call, Create, and Care for Local Pastors

A Nebraska church has launched a nonprofit organization aimed at calling new pastors to the ministry and supporting those who already are serving

The Disciples’ Prayer

For 20 centuries, followers of Jesus have cherished the Lord’s Prayer. This short but powerful prayer can help us jumpstart our conversations with God.

Abundant Opportunities for Fellowship, Worship, and Learning

An abundance of opportunities exist for fellowship, intellectual advancement and worship that goes far beyond your normal church activities.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

How can we make prayer a more consistent part of our daily lives?

In This Issue

Leveraging the Power of Our Unity: An Updated Directory of Christian Churches and Churches of Christ

Help Christian Standard learn the whereabouts of nearly 500 churches that are completely unaccounted for

Leading Like Jesus

To lead like Jesus is first and foremost to make a deep commitment to personal formation. It emerges from followership and the fruit of the Spirit of God within us.

Training Programs Continue to Take a Non-Traditional Approach to Preparing Ministry Leaders for the Local Church

In addition to traditional four-year colleges and universities, online and non-degree options are helping to fill the ministry pipeline in local churches. 

A Movement of Leaders and Leadership Development

Spiritual development became the process by which leaders were developed in the early years of the Restoration Movement, as fellow sojourners would spur one another on in the search for truth.

Leadership Development: Lessons from Churches Around the World

Churches around the world have a variety of methods for leadership training, even in the midst of persecution. We may be able to learn from them.

Churches Stepping Up: How Local Churches Are Developing Elders

It’s time to hand the keys of leadership to the next generation of elders and watch them accomplish more for our King’s kingdom than we ever thought possible.

Focusing on the Future: How Our Colleges and Universities Are Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

To meet the needs of young, old, and in between, Christian colleges and universities are developing and introducing training programs intended to provide theologically sound training with practical experience—both on and off campus.

Your Best Investment

What a blessing it is to give to the local church in tithes and offerings, but also to allow investments with the Solomon Foundation to work toward building the kingdom. 

+ The Lookout

He Comes with Purpose

Luke ends his Gospel with the disciples worshiping Jesus as he ascended back to God and commissioned his disciples to spread the gospel to the world.

December 22 Study | He Comes in Glory

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is covered in glory—which matches other moments and aspects of our Savior’s life. 

December 15 Study | He Comes as the Son of God

Who Jesus of Nazareth was makes what he said and did the most important words and deeds in the history of the universe.   

December 8 Study | He Comes in Amazement

This lesson extrapolates two narratives from the Gospel of Luke that highlight Jesus’ amazing person and work.

December 1 Study | He Comes with Distinction

When Christ’s coming was actually executed, it was done with the greatest of distinction. It was so distinct that the whole earth would be filled with his glory (Psalm 72:19).

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