21 March, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change my billing address?

Your account information may be updated by sending changes to [email protected] or by calling 720.598.7377 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (MST), Monday through Friday. All updates are generally processed within 24 hours.

Do I have to have an account to order from the website?

No, you do not. When ordering online you will establish an account by providing the required information and using a credit card (Visa or MasterCard) to place your order.

What login information do I need to access my account?

You can log in using your renewal code and zip code to access your account information.

How do I change my number of copies before I renew?

Please contact our customer service department at 720.598.7377 or email us at [email protected].

If I cancel my subscription, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds at this time. You will receive the full year of content you paid for.

Do you sell or distribute my address or information to other organizations?

We respect your privacy and do not sell or distribute information regarding our customers to any third party. We may contact you from time to time regarding Christian Standard Media products and services or regarding special offers. You always have the opportunity to request that we remove you from our mailing lists.

I have a book manuscript that I’d like to submit. How do I do that?

Unfortunately, we do not currently accept outside manuscripts.

What denomination are you?

Christian Standard Media is a nondenominational publisher. Christian Standard Media is as committed today as ever to producing nondenominational, true-to-the-Bible resources, including Christian Standard magazine. The doctrinal integrity of what we publish will continue to be sound, providing our customers with resources that will inspire, educate, and motivate.