Reading Time: 4 minutes
Most every preacher will tell you they have a certain number of regrets in their life when it comes to ministry. I certainly do. But I don’t want to have any regrets when it comes to preaching. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Most every preacher will tell you they have a certain number of regrets in their life when it comes to ministry. I certainly do. But I don’t want to have any regrets when it comes to preaching. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Joshua was leading through preaching. He was wielding leadership influence through the proclamation of his words and the witness of his life. Let’s follow that example.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
A funeral sermon helped launch me on a path to ministry . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
“Over time I have become more aware of the pain many women, and sometimes men, experience on Mother’s Day,” our Preach columnist Chris Philbeck shares. “Here are some suggestions that might help us reframe Mother’s Day in a way that blesses everyone . . .”