About Us

Leveraging the power that comes from our unity
This is the mission of Christian Standard Media. It’s critical because of the nature of the Restoration Movement. The incredible blessing of our independence can also work against us when it comes to learning, developing effectiveness, and fulfilling our commission to build the kingdom of Christ.
Christian Standard has been resourcing Christian churches since it was founded in 1866. Now it is the principal magazine connecting these congregations in the far-flung, nondenominational fellowship whose congregations are usually known as Christian Churches or Churches of Christ.
Christian Standard is the perfect resource for church staff, elders, small groups, or anyone who wants his or her church to achieve the New Testament ideal in the 21st century.
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Our Team
Jerry Harris
Shawn McMullen
Rick Cherok
Managing Editor
Renee Little
Abby Wittler
Christine Reiner