10 March, 2025

Momentum-Makers: New Initiatives for Kingdom Growth in Canada


by | 21 August, 2005 | 0 comments

By Jim Tune

Webster”s Dictionary describes momentum as “strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events.” Momentum is created by successes or wins. Without significant victories along the way a church or a movement will suffer from low morale and the loss of vital momentum.

Throughout much of Central and Eastern Canada, the last four decades have been challenging for the church. With some notable exceptions, the wins have been few and our movement has struggled.

Consider Ontario, home to nearly 12 million residents. At the start of the millennium there were only seven independent Christian churches in the province with a combined attendance of about 500!

In Canada”s most densely populated cities (Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal) less than 5 percent of the population attends any evangelical church.

These statistics can seem overwhelming. Yet there is growing cause for optimism as several new initiatives are racking up some impressive momentum-building wins.

Let”s look at several “momentum-makers” that God is using to open new doors of opportunity in Central and Eastern Canada.

Churchill Meadows Christian Church

Just three years ago, Churchill Meadows began with a core group of 12 adults meeting in our home in a West Toronto suburb. The church was planted in an ethnically diverse neighborhood where Muslims and Hindus outnumber evangelical Christians.

Today Churchill Meadows has grown to 400-plus in regular attendance. Sunday morning services are culturally diverse in makeup with more than 25 ethnic groups present most weeks. The church averages more than one baptism per Sunday with some 180 baptisms in three years!

Momentum is spreading beyond this new plant. Since its first public service, Churchill Meadows has set apart 10 percent of every offering for the planting of a daughter church. This new plant, Freshwater Christian Church, is scheduled to launch on September 25. Churchill Meadows is contributing financially and is releasing several enthusiastic, multiethnic families to form the nucleus of the new church.

Impact Ontario

In 2004 it became apparent a church planting organization with a national vision was needed. Ontario, Alberta, and the Maritimes all had local or regional evangelistic associations functioning with varying degrees of success. Entire regions with large populations had neither a Christian church nor evangelistic association to catalyze new church work.

Furthermore, a number of U.S.-based church planting organizations had attempted to establish new churches in Canada but were frequently discouraged by the lack of an existing Canadian charitable entity with which to partner. American organizations increasingly recognized the necessity of working under credible Canadian leadership.

Impact Canada is the first truly national church planting organization in Canada. Its strategic plan is based upon the following values:

“¢ Partnerships””Impact Canada is committed to forging partnerships with churches and church planting associations to encourage greater participation in and greater momentum for a dynamic movement of new churches. Key partnerships have already been established with a number of Canadian churches. The Impact Canada Advisory Board brings together leadership from both the U.S. and Canada.

“¢ Reproducibility””In order to build a church planting movement, Impact Canada expects every new church to reproduce itself every three years. In addition, every new church is required to commit 10 percent of its offerings to plant new churches.

“¢ Coaching””Every church planter will have a coach to assist him as he develops and implements a plan for the new church.

“¢ Assessment””All potential planters must participate in a thorough process of professional skills, gifts, and marriage assessment.

“¢ Training and Leadership Development””Through the establishment of church planting and equipping centers in Western Canada, Ontario, and the Maritimes, leaders across Canada can be equipped and released for ministry.

Impact Canada will launch its first training center in Toronto in 2006. It has projects underway for new plants in Toronto in 2005, “06, and “07. Future cities include Halifax, Nova Scotia; Vancouver, British Columbia; and Montreal, Quebec.

The Power of Partnerships

A significant momentum-maker has been the emergence of key partnerships with other churches and organizations. East 91st Street Christian Church in Indianapolis deserves mention as a “Most Valuable Partner.” Since 2001, East 91st has been assisting with new church work in Canada, partnering significantly with the Churchill Meadows plant and Impact Ontario.

In 2004 Jim Tune joined the staff of East 91st as regional director of church planting for the highly unchurched Northeastern U.S. and Canada. Tune continues to live in Toronto and leads the Churchill Meadows congregation.

This arrangement has expanded the expertise and resource base for Canadian church-planting efforts. Through this partnership and others, kingdom momentum has accelerated rapidly. Impact Canada”s goals depend on establishing significant partnerships with other organizations and megachurches.

Creative Risk-Taking

The power of momentum is such that one win leads to another. As successes mount, so does the ability to take more calculated, creative risks. For years the majority of churches in Central and Eastern Canada operated in survival mode. Very few exciting new initiatives were undertaken. This is beginning to change.

A great example of creativity in ministry is the launch of multisite campuses meeting in the Real Canadian Superstore chain. In October Churchill Meadows will launch two new sites using highly visible community rooms in two of Canada”s largest and newest megasupermarkets!

These unique venues are conducive to a more interactive and “unplugged” style of worship. This initiative is also an experiment on the part of the stores themselves, whose policy is generally cautious with respect to “religious use” rentals. God has opened a door here by moving the store management to accept a one-year rental agreement. This venture is also being observed by several other Toronto-area churches. Impact Canada has approached one other Christian church in Toronto about partnering with that congregation in launching a Superstore multisite in 2006.

We thank God for opening these doors and others in Canada. As momentum builds we look forward to exciting days of kingdom expansion in Canada!

Jim Tune ministers with Churchill Meadows Christian Church in West Toronto, Ontario, and serves as director for Impact Canada, a national church planting organization.


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