What do you believe about baptism? How do you explain baptism to seekers you encounter? The next two weeks of CHRISTIAN STANDARD”s printed issues (March 1 and 8) explore baptism with fresh perspectives and meaningful study. Read and share pieces by Bruce Shields, Jon Weatherly, Brian Jones, Mark Krause, and an interview with Joe Grana. But you don”t have to wait for the print magazine. You can get all that material, plus an extra Web-only feature, a classic essay by Robert O. Fife, together in one convenient download now! Order “Baptism: 7 Practical Perspectives” item number 02973, at www.standardpub.com.
The Uncommon Family
Pastors across the country are contemplating getting out of ministry. This should not come as a surprise. Ministry is tough. One of the challenges is balancing, if possible, the demands of ministry and being fully present and leading at home.