6 March, 2025



by | 29 January, 2006 | 0 comments

By Mike Schrage

The highlight of my mission trip to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, was watching in amazement the joyful giving by Christians on that crisp and clear Sunday morning of July 31, 2005, at the Makokoba Church of Christ building. But before I go on, let me give some context to the event.

Zimbabwe has been struggling under poor governance for two decades. Queues for staples like salt, sugar, cooking oil, flour, gasoline, and diesel are commonplace. The economic inflation rate is more than 700 percent. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is ravaging the nation, robbing her of her best and most precious resource””her people.

It is in this context that I witnessed one of the most sacrificial offerings ever. First, the basket was passed around for the general love offering. It equated an amount more than $100 U.S.

Then the basket was passed again for the tithe of the Makokoba church members. The singing began slowly and rose to an exciting crescendo as Christians came down the aisle with joy on their faces and exuberance in their step. They danced to the front of the church to give their “bundles of joy.” The basket was heaping with currency notes. The final tally: an incredible $1,000 in U.S. equivalency!

I watched in amazement at the joy these Christian exuded. I remembered Christ”s statement that Paul reiterated in Acts, “God loves a joyful giver.” I wondered why I had never “danced before the Lord” like King David when giving my tithe! When had I ever waited in line for sugar for my coffee or gas for my car? When was the last time I had to bury a friend who died of AIDS or perished prematurely because of inadequate medical care? In this arena of hopelessness and persecution, I saw a church vibrant, triumphant, and happy! God is right””our happiness is not found in things or wealth!

Zimbabwe”s political and economic situation is bleak, but the church of Jesus Christ is alive and well. Missionaries with decades of service in Zimbabwe say there are more growing churches now than ever before. Even new mission endeavors into neighboring Mozambique and Angola are occurring.

The Makakopa congregation supports the salaries of both its ministers as well as several evangelists who are working with eight other young church plants! What they do for the sake of Christ with a $1,000 offering, our American culture could not begin to address in equitable terms.

The next time I write my offering check, may I remember those beloved brethren in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, who dared to dance to God and give in the midst of the harshest of circumstances.

Mike Schrage is director for sub-Sahara Africa with Good News Productions, International, Joplin, Missouri.


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