21 March, 2025

Giving Preteens a SuperStart!


by | 13 January, 2008 | 0 comments

By Patrick Snow

Thank you soooo much! I can”t even begin to describe how much of a difference you have made.” These words were spoken to me as I was finishing up a phone call with one of the most grateful children”s ministers I”ve ever encountered.

What had I done to deserve such a heartfelt and honoring statement? I merely helped connect the gospel of Christ to her preteen students in a way they could understand.

Many churches across America have been experiencing a loss of students in the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade age bracket. If they haven”t disappeared, they”ve mentally checked out. Many of them are ready to graduate from elementary programming, but the only place for them to go next is junior high ministry, and most preteens aren”t mature enough to handle issues that junior high students face.

What church leaders need to realize is that preteens don”t fit into either children”s ministry or junior high ministry. Preteens need their own ministry that teaches the gospel of Christ on a level they can understand. They need their own pastor and adult leaders who can invest in them and guide them through this crazy transitional time. They need their own identity and to understand their own unique place in the body of Christ.


For the last few years I”ve had the opportunity to lead Christ in Youth”s SuperStart!, a weekend event specifically tailored to minister to fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students. Our events consist of three main sessions packed with high-energy worship, interactive teaching, and small groups all designed to fit with the learning styles of preteen students. And the result has been thousands of preteens grasping onto the gospel of Christ and actually excited about being at a church event. I can”t begin to describe what an amazing sight that is.

Many churches and organizations are beginning to understand the importance of preteen ministry. Some churches have begun to move their preteens from their children”s ministries into preteen ministries called “45th Street” or “Route 56.” And now Standard Publishing and SuperStart! are launching an eight-quarter curriculum that uses the specific learning styles of preteens to teach them the Bible. But for every church and organization that understands the need to intentionally minister to preteens, there are three or four that do not.

Our goal as children”s and youth ministers should be to bring the gospel of Christ alive in the lives of our students. The best way to do that for our fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students is through intentional preteen ministry.

Patrick Snow is associate director with Christ In Youth, Joplin, Missouri. His book Leading Preteens will be released by Standard Publishing this March.


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