28 March, 2025

Compelled by Love


by | 10 February, 2008 | 0 comments

By Chris DeWelt

“This is the National Missionary Convention!” With his exuberant sense of humor, NMC Treasurer John Fuller spoke this familiar annual line to an audience that instantly responded with cheers and applause.

Some might have wondered why the crowd reacted in this way to such an obvious statement, especially when it was in the form of an offering appeal. Simply put, it is because the National Missionary Convention is a unique annual event. The 60th convention held at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 15-18, 2007, was a passionate, creative, energetic, and moving blessing to all who came.


A hallmark of missions is passion””passion for the purposes of God on earth. Naturally, a gathering dedicated to missions is going to reflect this core value, and 2007 President Marsha Relyea Miles did so in a wonderful manner by carefully designing this year”s program. “Compelled,” the convention”s theme, was taken from 2 Corinthians 5:14, “For Christ”s love compels us . . .”

Each main session featured messages based on 2 Corinthians that were delivered with clarity and urgency. Brad Willits of Pioneer Bible Translators opened on Thursday evening with a stirring call to see the world from God”s perspective. Friday”s morning session saw Michael Sweeney speak on “Compelled by the Love of Christ.” His years of service as a missionary in Papua New Guinea provided a rich backdrop to his appeal to know the heart of God.

The Friday evening session led by President Miles had the theme, “Compelled to Shine His Glory Out of These Earthen Vessels.” Miles related in a deeply touching way how she and her late first husband, John, gave themselves to the work of Bible translation among the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea. Particularly moving were her descriptions of their daughter”s serious illness in the early years of their work and then, in more recent times, the sudden death of John even as the translated New Testament, the fruit of 20 years” work, was at the printers.

(As an aside, Miles is not the first female NMC president; the late Isabel Dittemore served as president in 1951.)

Saturday saw Paul Pennington, professor with Cincinnati (Ohio) Christian University, speak on the theme, “Compelled to Spend and Be Spent for the Souls of Men.” This session featured testimonies of missions-oriented college students. Saturday evening”s speaker was Gary Hutchison, whose powerful and dramatic presentation depicted the judgment seat of Christ. Dennis Bratton, minister with Christ”s Church in Jacksonville, Florida, brought a fitting close to the convention with his message, “Compelled to Go!”


Missions necessarily involves seeing the world as God sees it, and each of the six main sessions were dedicated to a particular geographic region of the world. A great deal of creativity went into how this was expressed.

Dance, drama, and interactive presentations were effectively used to highlight the theme regions of each session. The musical worship, led by Ken Read and the World Music Worship Ensemble, was well fitted to the geographic focus of each hour.

Beyond the main sessions, creativity also was evident in the dozens of excellent workshops designed for the many different kinds of people who came to the convention. Missionaries received attention with workshops on specific field issues such as “Culture Shock from a Woman”s Perspective” or “Leaving Before You Go””Developing an Exit Strategy.” The annual “Nitty Gritty” seminar is specifically geared to missionaries and their needs.

There were many workshops for nonmissionaries as well. Local church missions people and college students were significant focal points for workshops such as “Your Church Can Launch a Church-Planting Movement,” “Am I Called to the Mission Field?” and “Conducting Effective/Life-Changing Mission Trips.”


It is fitting that the 2007 convention was held in an “Energy Center.” In recent years the National Missionary Convention, under the leadership of Walter and Iva Lou Birney with the very capable assistance of David Empson, has seen phenomenal growth with respect to youthful participation. College-age young people and teens bring a lot of energy to the convention; it is heartening to see them there.

As in past years, hundreds of young people met and prayed with specific missionaries. This experience of “direct touch” is memorable for all, and tears are shed as hearts are shared.

Energy was also on display in the exhibit area. The 667 exhibit spaces filled the eye and mind with what God is doing around the world. One college student said, “I felt like I was actually walking around inside the Internet!” The opportunities afforded to network with missions organizations and individual missionaries are priceless.

An important element of the NMC over the last few years has been the Resource Center sponsored by Good News Productions, International (GNPI), and Literature and Teaching Ministries (LATM). These two organizations select a broad range of recent missions books, videos, and resources and make them available at discount prices only at the convention. The emphasis is on the latest and the best. Any profits made from the sales are given to the convention. In addition, people may purchase vouchers for missionaries who can then select resources at no cost to them.

What a blessing!


You cannot attend the National Missionary Convention and not be moved. We who attended this year were moved by passionate preaching. We were moved by exposure to the world”s needs in workshops. We were moved by seeing friends from far away with whom we share a common cause. We were moved by stories of suffering and of victory. We were deeply moved as we witnessed the flags of the nations being marched through the opening session audience.

Just as moving was the testimony of more than 100 who either made a first-time commitment for missions service or who asked for prayer. Those seeking guidance and those committed to going were all prayed for at the conclusion of the Friday and Saturday evening services.

I was especially moved by the behind-the-scenes work of this year”s prayer chairman Mike Schrage. Hours and hours of prayer were poured out by those committed to intercession for the spiritual success of the 2007 convention.

May the Lord continue to move our hearts with the things that move his heart!

Moving on to Tulsa

This year”s National Missionary Convention will meet in Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 20-23, 2008. Doug Priest, director of Christian Missionary Fellowship, is serving as president. The theme is “Get Your Hands Dirty!” Make plans to come! You will be blessed!

Chris DeWelt is professor of Bible and intercultural studies at Ozark Christian College; chairman of the board for Literature and Teaching Ministries, Inc.; and publisher with College Press, Joplin, Missouri.


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