28 March, 2025

Living Dangerously: The 2008 North American Christian Convention


by | 17 February, 2008 | 0 comments

By T.C. “Cam” Huxford

Living Dangerously is more than the theme of the 2008 North American Christian Convention. It”s also a vivid description of the commitment to Christ that has marked our movement for 200 years!

One of the most inspiring calls to commitment in my life happened at the Southern Christian Youth Convention in 1974. Wayne Smith was preaching at Mount Carmel Christian Church in Atlanta. The worship center was packed with students from all over the South.

Wayne told us about a gallant Christian leader who had recently died suddenly and unexpectedly. He told us about this man”s commitment to Christ and love for preaching God”s Word. He told us about the challenges he had fought through and the sacrifices he had made to extend God”s work in his corner of the kingdom. He inspired us with the nobility and courage and joy that characterized this leader”s life.

Then he asked, “Who”s going to step up and take his place? There”s a hole in the line where he once stood. Now he”s in Heaven, but we need someone on earth to take his place. Who”s it going to be?”

I can still remember where I was sitting and how the weight of that call descended on me and moved me. The testimony of Leon Appel”s courageous devotion to Christ and the call to follow his example by another noble leader marked my future.

Those men chose to live dangerously in the best sense of the words, and it affected me.

Living Dangerously: A Celebration of Full Devotion!

Amazingly, there are people “living dangerously” everywhere you look in our fellowship of churches.

We all know preachers who teach the whole counsel of God and don”t blink regardless of how politically incorrect the truth may be. They are neither swept along by the fads of the day nor shackled to a misplaced loyalty to traditionalism. Some have taken an emotional beating for that commitment . . . but they”re living dangerously.

We”ve all heard of missionaries who courageously continue to serve in villages where they have been physically beaten for bringing the gospel to a region dominated by disbelief. They are living dangerously.

At the NACC last year, I met an elder who has been married for 50 years and raised a house full of godly children while supporting God”s work with his wisdom, time, money, life, and love. He is living dangerously.

Who hasn”t met a godly woman who serves as a volunteer 10 hours a week in a smaller church so that the kingdom agenda can be advanced by her church in her community? Such servants are living dangerously.

Friends, there is a price to pay for moving the kingdom forward in our generation. Jesus said, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men and women lay hold of it” (Matthew 11:12). That kind of commitment will be the focus of our preaching and teaching at this year”s NACC, July 1-4.

Living Dangerously: An Inspiring Opportunity to Grow

The messages at this year”s NACC will honor the nobility of our call to serve Christ and hopefully encourage those who are “fighting the good fight” as well as inspiring the next generation to step up. We have a diverse, intergenerational lineup of church leaders and missionaries who will be challenging all of us from God”s Word at every main session.

Cam Huxford from Savannah (Georgia) Christian Church will be lifting up our “Dangerous Leader” and how the Lord Jesus sets the example of full devotion for all of us to follow.

Jon Weece from Southland Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky, will preach on our “Dangerous Faith” and honor the high price required to live and teach it without compromise.

Ajai Lall from Central India Christian Mission will tackle our “Dangerous Call.” Brother Lall will speak for all of our international leaders who have summoned their courage and perseverance to remain faithful in the face of persecution. He is uniquely qualified to address this theme because of his experiences with persecution.

Dr. Ralph Draper from the Spring Independent School District, Houston, Texas, will be preaching on the “Dangerous Choices” every Chris-tian must make. He”ll be exploring how making God-honoring choices in family, marriage, and moral contexts strengthen our ministries.

Jud Wilhite from Central Christian Church, Henderson, Nevada, will talk about how “Dangerous Churches” can courageously extend God”s kingdom and lead people to a life-changing connection with him.

Ben Merold from Harvester Christian Church, St. Charles, Missouri, will close out the convention by reminding us of the power of “Dangerous Followers.” He will focus on the wake a Christian can throw when he is faithful all the way to the end. Ben is the perfect choice for this message. He first spoke at the NACC 50 years ago and is still leading one of the fastest-growing churches in our fellowship.

In addition, there will also be an opportunity to hear Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington, Illinois, as he talks about courageous leadership. Reggie Joiner from North Point Community Church, Alpharetta, Georgia, will be teaching on building healthy, dynamic families. Thom S. Rainer and other recognized analysts of church leadership will share their perspectives on building effective, healthy churches.

This year”s workshop and Bible study lineup will be a great opportunity to be challenged from God”s Word as well as learning “best practices” from leaders of our churches from around the country.

There will be a dynamic Women”s Ministry Conference within the NACC this year. Nationally known teachers like Liz Curtis Higgs will equip women and create an environment of encouragement for those who are so vital to the strength of all of our churches.

We all know there are many “learning adventures” available for church leaders today. However, there are very few that compare with the NACC in providing an opportunity for the whole family and the whole church family to grow stronger together.

Living Dangerously: A Catalytic Opportunity to Connect!

Recently, I have been fascinated to hear church leaders from outside our movement comment on the dynamism they see within the Christian churches and churches of Christ. They are amazed by the growth of our churches, the health and cycle rate of our church planting, and the number and quality of people we have involved in international ministries with no denominational structure. God is doing an amazing work in our movement””and this is the answer to 200 years of prayer!

But in a nondenominational context, “huddling the team” is a challenge. Fortunately, the NACC provides an accessible opportunity for the leaders of our movement to gather in one place.

The NACC is a place where emerging leaders can rub shoulders with those who have been in the fight for a long time. Many of these friendships will add value to our ministries for a lifetime.

It is a place where volunteer leaders can be taught by some of the finest minds in our fellowship as they share how and what God is blessing in their ministries.

The NACC provides an environment where, “as iron sharpens iron,” those who have been blessed can give back and bless leaders they would never meet apart from this dynamic gathering.

One of our hopes is that churches from across our fellowship will send their leaders to this year”s NACC. As a church leader, it would be impossible to estimate the value our church has gained from sending our ministers, elders, and leaders to learning opportunities where the unchanging principles of the past are ratified as the “new things” that God is blessing are identified. The NACC is a unique opportunity for this kind of learning! I hope every church in our movement will send someone to Cincinnati this summer to leverage this opportunity.

Living Dangerously: What We Do!

When the church is working right it is the most powerful expression of God”s love and grace on this planet. This year”s NACC is going to celebrate the courage and commitment that makes our churches strong!

So, whether you are leading a growing, high-profile ministry or are a member of a smaller church that is faithfully discipling men and women to “live dangerously” and extend the kingdom in your community””this year”s convention is for you! You will be able to interact with effective leaders who are “doing what they”re talking about . . . and talking about what they”re doing!” You”ll leave this convention encouraged to continue giving your best to the most important work in the world.

May God bless us all as we spend our lives living dangerously for him!



Cam Huxford, president of the 2008 North American Christian Convention, is senior minister with Savannah (Georgia) Christian Church and a member of Standard Publishing”s Publishing Committee.


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