28 March, 2025

2008 NACC Women”s Conference: The Best Part Is in the Middle


by | 17 February, 2008 | 0 comments

By Julie Gariss

If you”ll excuse the pun, I”m a sucker for Tootsie Pops. Even though I will gladly risk a purple tongue for the melt-in-your-mouth, dribble-down-your-chin pleasure of the hard candy shell, it”s what is inside that round mound that truly excites my taste buds . . . chocolate! You just can”t beat finding a treasure inside of what is already considered a prize.

The NACC has long been known as the prize of the Restoration churches””inspirational preaching, great fellowship, and motivational workshops. I will never forget the first one I attended back in the 1970s””I was literally moved to tears because of the impact it had on my life. It has been that way ever since.

But at the risk of sounding like a feminist (really I”m just being feminine-ish!), there hasn”t always been a program that recognizes the gifts and abilities of women. Frankly, many of my heroes are “she-roes,” and I would love the opportunity to sit at the feet of these women and learn from them. I know many of you ladies feel the same and would appreciate the opportunity to attend a gathering that highlights women who are impacting our world in various and thrilling ways.


The NACC Continuation Committee has recognized this, and it is my pleasure to invite you women to a conference inside of the convention.” Between the strong bookends of the normal North American activities, we are holding a women”s conference that will not only be enjoyable, but accessible. All women”s workshops, Bible studies, and main sessions will be held in one general area””so go ahead and wear the cute sandals with the two-inch heels””your walking will be limited! Get ready to enjoy workshops, Bible studies, a ladies” luncheon, ministers” wives” tea, and main sessions.


Now gals, let me whet your appetite with some of our featured speakers. Without a doubt you”ve heard the name Liz Curtis Higgs. We are so happy she has agreed to speak at both the ladies” luncheon and ministers” wives” tea, plus lead in a Bible study. Liz will bring a tear to the eye, a song to the heart, and a tickle to the funny bone as she shares how she has been transformed by the grace of God.

Internationally known speaker and author Becky Pippert will also share with us. Chuck Colson describes her as “one of the liveliest and most effective communicators of the gospel in the world today.” Among the other speakers will be Nancy Murphy, a nationally recognized speaker who addresses the hope and healing available to victims of domestic violence; Kim Wigginton, who will share the highlights of her study, God”s P31 Princess””an in-depth, interactive, intergenerational study of Proverbs 31; and Michelle Frank, women”s ministry director at Southland Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky. Michelle will give us some practical help in developing a women”s ministry that reaches outside of the church doors.

Ladies, I”m excited, and that”s just part of the list!

I”m convinced we”re going to have a “Cracker Jack of a convention”””and we women get the surprise inside the box!



Julie Gariss, a nationally known speaker, serves with her husband at College Heights Christian Church, Joplin, Missouri.


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