By Dale Reeves
There is more than small talk today about small groups. There are churches with groups, churches composed of groups, and churches that are groups (i.e., the house church movement).
In his book Creating Community, lead pastor Andy Stanley says of Northpoint Community Church, “Small groups are not an appendage to our ministry; they are our ministry. We think groups. We are driven by groups.”
According to The Barna Group, approximately 11 million people, or 55 percent of America”s 20 million evangelicals, participate in some kind of small group each week. More than two-thirds of American churches use small groups in some way ( Not surprisingly, involvement in small groups has nearly doubled over the past 12 years.
Small groups don”t exist because we need more to do. They exist because people are in desperate need of relationships. Small groups provide the space for at least three things to happen: shared life, spiritual growth, and care for individual members. Small groups are one of the finest venues for developing people, and growth happens best within the context of biblical community.
Indeed, the small group movement in churches is growing by leaps and bounds””and Standard Publishing is thrilled to be a part of it! Can small group resources be simple and still have big impact? Can relevant studies be spiritually deep? Absolutely! Small group ministries across the country desire to bring the body of Christ together, help believers deepen their faith, and give Christ followers an outlet for reaching into their communities with his love. Standard”s small group Bible studies and topical electives are all designed to energize your small group ministry and encourage spiritual depth. Here”s how.
Small Group Participant Guides
Noted sociologist D. Michael Lindsay says there are “unbelievable degrees of biblical illiteracy that we haven”t seen in previous generations” (Leadership Journal, Winter 2007). That”s why we”re excited to unveil a brand-new small group series produced in partnership with Christianity Today International. This September we will release the first three titles in the Crash Course series””Crash Course on the New Testament, Crash Course on the Old Testament, and Crash Course on Jesus.
Each of these six-session studies is designed to give participants a thorough overview of a particular segment of Scripture or Bible topic in an engaging and thought-provoking way. Through exploratory small group activities and discussion questions, participants will deepen their relationships with one another and with God.
Each Crash Course study will also include two or three relevant articles pulled from CTI”s magazines (such as Christianity Today and Today”s Christian Woman). These easy-to-prepare sessions will appeal both to group members new to Bible study and longtime students of the Word.
If you”re interested in designing a place in your church where people can create community with others who are seeking answers to similar questions, we”d like to introduce you to Faith Café. This resource is specifically designed for the church looking to create a comfortable spot for members and honest seekers alike who place a high value on community, authenticity, spiritual formation, and practical service to others. Faith Café is for you if you want something beyond a lecture approach in a Bible study. If your church is looking for help in drawing people together by using an experiential, interactive, media-driven style of learning””then Faith Café is worth checking out.
A topical study designed for use in adult Bible fellowships, each season features 52 unique episodes that offer a multisensory experience. Faith Café brings the coffeehouse to your home, church, or small group with the perfect blend of Scripture, inspiration, and insight. For more information, check out
If your small group is a pop culture, American Idol kind of crowd, then the Tuning Into God series may be just the thing you need. Imagine leading a spiritual discussion for believers and seekers by springboarding from the lyrics of “Take It Easy” by the Eagles or “The Long and Winding Road” by the Beatles.
Each of the four studies in the Tuning Into God series consists of six sessions that explore lyrical themes found in four icons of pop music””the Beatles, Rolling Stones, George Strait, and the Eagles. Each stand-alone study uses an album of classic, yet spiritually provocative, songs from one of the groups to prompt discussion of biblical truth. This innovative small group series explores God”s Word and challenges participants to tune into what God is teaching them.
Books with Discussion Guides
Perhaps your group enjoys studies that don”t have to end when the small group session is over. We offer books with small group questions either included or printed in a separate discussion guide.
These titles address personal growth and self-help issues: Free Refill by Mark Atteberry, Trading Places by Steve Wyatt, Beyond Your Backyard by Tom Ellsworth, Remember Who You Are by Arron Chambers, Scared Silly by Marcy Bryan, Living With Eeyore by Elizabeth Baker, Second Guessing God and Getting Rid of the Gorilla by Brian Jones.
These encourage spiritual formation: Soul Craving by Joel Warne, and God Touches by Dan Gilliam.
I”m involved in a men”s group that meets every week for breakfast. (Have you ever noticed that breakfast seems to be more of a guy thing?) This past year three of the young men in our group got married, so we studied a book together in preparation for that. We chose That Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Jud Wilhite, and our significant others studied the book as well . . . but not over breakfast!
At the conclusion of the study, all seven couples got together for a dinner (and to have some fun with the future newlyweds). What a great opportunity to live out the biblical admonition to mentor young men and young women (Titus 2:4-6).
After the weddings, we followed up with a study of a great little book for guys, I Married Wonder Woman . . . Now What? by Jess MacCallum. It seemed appropriate since after the knots were tied, the guys quickly discovered they had much to learn!
Our Friday morning group is constantly on the lookout for books that will challenge us to deepen our faith, and to make us better husbands and fathers, because we recognize that most of our growth takes place in the context of biblical community.
A few of Standard Publishing”s books that feature questions for individual reflection and group interaction focus on women exclusively. Brenda Garrison has written a wonderful book entitled Queen Mom. It is for busy moms who are trying to maintain their sanity and not relinquish control of their kingdoms to their kids. For women who would like to unclutter their lives (hint: it”s about more than cleaning closets), we offer Nancy Twigg”s From Clutter to Clarity. And for anyone who thinks his or her family is the most dysfunctional unit that has ever existed, I recommend Steve Wyatt”s extremely helpful and humorous Stuck in a Small World.
Multimedia Studies
If you”re looking for something that combines solid Bible teaching, minimal leader prep, and visual learning, you may want to consider On Demand Bible Studies with engaging Bible teacher Bob Russell.
He walks your group through the entire book of Genesis in four volumes of DVD offerings””Risky Creation; Promises, Promises; Nobody”s Perfect; and Good and Evil. If you have a DVD player and can press play, you can facilitate a Bible study today! These self-contained studies require no special knowledge. You can be assured that you will deliver to your group week in and week out strong biblical content presented in a culturally relevant way.
If your church vanished tomorrow, would your community notice? Create an externally focused culture that will impact your community by using Life on Loan: A Church-Wide Experience.
Age-appropriate curriculum and study guides are available for early childhood (ages 3″“5), elementary (ages 6″“12), students (teens), and adults. As the entire church studies the same material together, the concept of service comes alive. Individuals see that their own stories are a part of God”s plan to reach others who have yet to discover God”s story. Envision the potential when the church body moves outside its walls and impacts the community for Christ. Learn more by visiting
Bible-based, engaging, easy to use, and culturally relevant””our small group ministry resources will equip you to better connect with God and one another. Small group resources can have a huge impact on the lives of those with whom you minister, and we”re eager to partner with you in this life-changing venture.
Dale Reeves is acquisitions editor of adult ministry resources for Standard Publishing.