27 September, 2024

Outstanding Christian Leaders Honored at NACC


by | 21 September, 2008 | 0 comments

By Staff

Standard Publishing and Milligan College partnered to honor eight outstanding Christian leaders in two separate recognitions at this year”s North American Christian Convention.

The Leaders in Christian Service award went to five individuals who have demonstrated servant leadership in their congregations, careers, and communities:

Steve and Teresa Bachman, business leaders, members of Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY.

Jack Coffee, retired UPS executive, member of Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY.

David Hamilton, vice president with Elkins Constructors, member of Christ”s Church in Jacksonville, FL.

John Wiggins, Havens Insurance Agency, member of Plainfield (IN) Christian Church.

The Student Leader in Christian Service award went to three teenagers who are making a difference in their churches and communities through their Christian witness:

Josh Bueno, teacher and leader at Boulevard Christian Church, Baltimore, MD.

Steven Eynon, small group leader and volunteer at Community Christian Church, Sunrise, FL.

William Pannell, junior deacon, teen worship leader, and missions volunteer at Suburban Christian Church, Bristol, VA.

“Milligan College and Standard Publishing share a long history of service to the church,” said Mark Taylor, editor of CHRISTIAN STANDARD. “In the past 140-plus years both have sought to equip men and women to lead through service. We are honored to be a part of both of these programs because of the way they highlight examples of Christian leadership for others to follow.”


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