8 March, 2025

Still Amazed! The 2009 North American Christian Convention


by | 15 February, 2009 | 0 comments

By Jeff Stone

A few years ago I was returning with a carload of ministers from another minister”s funeral. We stopped for lunch at a Ponderosa. As I opened the back door to climb out of my friend”s car, I accidentally clipped the truck beside it. I surveyed the damage. The door had left a white mark on the gleaming pickup. I winced, in part, because I am a truck lover.

I determined I needed to locate the truck”s owner and offer to pay to have it buffed out at a body shop. As we ate, from my window seat, I watched for my victim to return to his truck. We finished, but there still was no sign of the truck”s owner. I asked our server if it belonged to an employee, and she began to ask around among the other servers.

One server said the truck belonged to the guy operating the crane in the back. I immediately had visions of a 280-pound construction worker, probably named Biff, who really loved his truck! She led me toward the back of the restaurant and, to my surprise, pointed to a small, slender fellow operating the “crane” on a game in which you try to lift a stuffed animal. This was the crane operator!

I described the truck and asked if it was his. In panic he began babbling, “What”s wrong? What happened? What”d you do to it?”

I explained that I had opened the door and accidentally dinged his prized truck. He began walking briskly ahead of me toward the parking lot.

I said, “I don”t think it chipped the paint and it can probably be buffed out, but we”re getting ready to leave and I wanted to show it to you before I left.”

He knelt to closely examine his shiny, new, purple, Chevy S-10, rose slowly, extended his hand, looked me in the eye, and said, “Don”t worry about it. Hey, we”re all Americans!”

You talk about the tough times drawing people together! “Hey, we”re all Americans!”

I had just been “graced.” Some days we need to embrace grace and some days we need to extend grace.

That”s something we must never forget. That truth must never grow old. The theme I”ve chosen for the 2009 North American Christian Convention, “Still Amazed!” will offer a fresh focus on God”s grace.


An appreciation of grace will motivate us to holy living, propel our outreach to the lost, build bridges to resolve conflict, and provide healing in our lives and in our churches.

When we “get” grace, we will see individuals and churches recalibrated and mobilized to fulfill our eternal mission. We must not grow jaded, failing to be awed by what Christ has done for us, but must always remain still amazed by grace.

I want to personally invite you to be a part of the 2009 North American Christian Convention being held June 30 to July 3 at the downtown convention center in Louisville, Kentucky. Join thousands of Christians from Tuesday night through noon Friday.

I attended my first NACC when I was 1 year old and have been a part of almost every gathering since then. As a child, I enjoyed the day trips/kids sessions. As a teen, I “looted” the exhibit booths and made many new friends from all over the world. As a young minister, I found practical guidance for current ministry challenges.

Today the NACC provides an annual homecoming to connect with those whom I may see only once a year. No matter my age, I”ve always found inspiration and a sharpened desire to return home to do greater service for our King.


There is a renewed focus on preaching this year, with more preaching, by more preachers, than in the past. The morning worship music will be shortened to create another preaching slot on Wednesday and Thursday. Dialogue preaching will be another first this year, with two ministers moving in and out of one text as a team””this style of communicating God”s Word will be introduced in two of the morning worship sessions. Expect strong messages of challenge from Rick Rusaw, Dudley Rutherford, Matt Proctor, Chuck Booher, David Holmes, Rick Stedman, David Bycroft, and David Clark.

Morning Bible studies led by Jeff Walling, Jack Cottrell, and Liz Curtis Higgs will further explore the theme of God”s grace. The studies will begin an hour later than last year”s, which should allow for increased participation.

Workshops will offer insights from a variety of presenters sharing practical perspectives and proven tools designed to foster more effective ministry in a wide range of tracks.

The exhibit area will provide not only a plethora of ministry resources, missions, and Bible college recruiting, but also serve as the hub for connecting with Christian colleagues from churches of all sizes. Adjacent on-site food services will offer a convenient chance to grab a bite to eat and get “caught up” with others.

Meal times will also provide growth opportunities from proven guest speakers, including a Leadership Banquet featuring Jack Graham, a Ladies” Banquet with popular women”s speaker Tammy Trent, and the beloved Wayne Smith speaking for the Seniors” Banquet, with Bob Russell serving as emcee.

Your NACC registration includes an exclusive Casting Crowns concert Thursday night. This popular, award-winning group will share a great message of grace via its powerful music. Also, we look forward to having One Time Blind with us at the NACC, providing skits that convey God”s grace.

The concluding 2009 NACC message will be given by top-selling Christian author Max Lucado. On Friday morning, he will send us out with our “marching orders” as we all return to our respective fields of service.


I am honored to serve this conference that I have loved for a lifetime. I am excited and eager to see God work to change lives, ministries, and churches because of the three days we will spend together worshiping him.

Would you join thousands of Christians who are invited to simultaneously pray each day at 2:09 pm, as we invite God”s blessing on the 2009 North American Christian Convention?

Grace. We all need to embrace it and extend it. Join us in Louisville and you”ll leave “Still Amazed!”



Jeff Stone, president of the 2009 North American Christian Convention, is senior minister with Discover Christian Church, Dublin, Ohio.



Related 2009 NACC Articles:

“CHRISTIAN STANDARD Interview: Jeff Stone” by Brad Dupray

“Why Is the NACC Important? I Go for My Family” by Brent Storms

“Why Is the NACC Important? Let Me Count the Ways” by Ken Idleman

“NACC Women’s Conference Returns for a Second Year” by Jennifer Taylor

“2009 NACC Program”

“Other 2009 NACC Events”

“The Minister & Spouse Retreat” (Aug. 11-13 in Ridgecrest, NC)


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