28 September, 2024

The NACC Minister & Spouse Retreat


by | 15 February, 2009 | 0 comments

Maybe the most amazing thing about this summer”s North American Christian Convention isn”t the convention itself, but a convention-sponsored event later in the summer.

We”re talking about the 2009 Minister and Spouse Retreat, Tuesday, August 11, through Thursday, August 13, at the Lifeway Conference Center, Ridgecrest, North Carolina.

This getaway offers a tranquil setting nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, just north of Asheville, North Carolina. It will be the perfect spot for ministry couples who would like to relax together at a program planned just for them.

And what a program it is!

“¢ Debra and Daniel Smith, authors of Romancing Your Husband and Romancing Your Wife

“¢ Christian comedian Mark Lowry

“¢ Musical guests 2 or More

“¢ Testimonies, panel discussions, and a sweetheart banquet.

But here”s the most amazing part.

Enjoy all of this for only $325!

That”s two people for two nights. All meals. The complete program.

Get all the details and register now at www.gotonacc.org.




Related 2009 NACC Articles:

“Still Amazed!” by 2009 NACC President Jeff Stone

“Why Is the NACC Important? I Go for My Family” by Brent Storms

“Why Is the NACC Important? Let Me Count the Ways” by Ken Idleman

“NACC Women’s Conference Returns for a Second Year” by Jennifer Taylor

“2009 NACC Program”

“Other 2009 NACC Events”


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