28 September, 2024

Helpful Resources for Older Adult Ministry


by | 17 May, 2009 | 0 comments


Compiled by Amy Hanson

“¢ Christian Association Serving Adult Ministries (CASA): A national organization that provides resources for church leaders who are ministering with people in the second half of life. See www.gocasa.org.

“¢ Building Adult Ministries: A blog affiliated with Christianity Today and CASA that shares relevant articles regarding ministry with adults 50 and older. CLICK HERE.

“¢ Churches Responding to the Age Wave, Creating New Opportunities for Older Adults to Serve, and Breaking Down the Age Barriers: These are concept papers by Amy Hanson available at www.leadnet/encoregeneration.org. These papers share insights and examples from a number of churches across the United States that have innovative ministries with older adults.

“¢ www.amyhanson.net: This Web site has helpful resources for ministry with older adults.

“¢ Finishers Project: This organization helps Christian adults find mission opportunities””either short-term or as a second career. These opportunities are available for people of all ages, but this organization especially encourages middle age and older adults to pursue something purposeful that has kingdom impact. See finishers.org.

“¢ Who Stole My Church? by Gordon MacDonald (Thomas Nelson, 2007): A fiction book that highlights many of the feelings adults in their 50s, 60s, and 70s experience when their churches change in style and format. It shows how young and old can work alongside one another and how older adults can continue to have an important role in a church”s life.

 “¢ One Church, Four Generations: Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church by Gary L. McIntosh (Baker Books, 2002): This book explains the different characteristics of each generation present in churches today and then offers suggestions for how to minister to each generation.

“”Compiled by Amy Hanson


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