28 September, 2024

The Lord”s Supper: Eight Ways to Experience the Meaning of the Meal


by | 12 July, 2009 | 0 comments

By Ethan Magness

This article is no longer available online, but articles about the Lord’s Supper that appeared in the July 12/19, 2009, and June 10, 2007, issues of CHRISTIAN STANDARD–plus more–are available for purchase as a single, redisigned, easy-to-read and easy-to-use downloadable resource/pdf (a fuller explanation is below).


The Lord’s Supper: A Memory and More

Item D021535209  “¢Â  $2.99

If you keep doing something often enough, long enough, it will change you. Take, for example, the Lord”s Supper.

If we practice the Lord”s Supper in a meaningful way, week after week, it will change us for the better by helping us grow closer to God. If we treat it as a ritual largely devoid of meaning, however, it can damage us by causing our faith itself to become a meaningless ritual.

In this 14-page resource, eight writers look at the Lord”s Supper (Communion) past, present, and future””its power, purpose, and promise.

As one writer puts it: “Nothing delivers the death of Jesus like the Lord”s Supper!”

The articles previously appeared in CHRISTIAN STANDARD (primarily in the issues of June 10, 2007, and July 12/19, 2009).

“¢ Get bigger cups and plenty of juice. Experience the cup as a “cup of thanksgiving.” Offer a toast to God and suggest everyone respond, “Thank you,” as they drink. In a smaller setting, many people could offer a toast of thanksgiving.

“¢ Decorate your platform with a banquet table. Invite everyone to reflect on the historic feast in which Jesus took his place as the Lamb who was slain for us . . .


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