By Victor Knowles
About 25,000 people gathered at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 17, 1909, for a special Communion service commemorating the Centennial Celebration of Thomas Campbell”s Declaration and Address. In that historic document Campbell called the Lord”s Supper “that great ordinance of unity and love.”
On October 4, 2009, thousands of people will be gathering together for a “Great Communion.” This time, however, it will not be limited to just one city (although a special service is being planned in Pittsburgh). All over the world members of the Restoration (or Stone-Campbell) Movement will be meeting to take the Lord”s Supper together.
Discover how your church can participate in this significant and historic event by going to www.greatcommunion.org. The Web site offers simple steps to help “make it happen” in your community. Begin by talking with leaders in your church and then contact other Stone-Campbell churches in your community. Some are planning a Sunday afternoon or Sunday evening joint service on October 4.
Everything you need to get started (talking points, sample letters, downloadable logos) can be found at www.greatcommunion.org. In the words of Thomas Campbell, “Duty then is ours; but events belong to God. Up, and be doing, and the Lord will be with you.”
Victor Knowles is founder and president of POEM (Peace on Earth Ministries), Joplin, Missouri, www.poeministries.org.