13 March, 2025

A Look at This Year’s NACC: I”m Glad I Was There!


by | 27 September, 2009 | 0 comments


by Clay D. Perkins

See Steve Reeves’s assessment of the 2009 NACC


See Thomas F. Jones”s assessment of the 2009 NACC





As a new college president, with my wife I attended the North American Christian Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, this summer. And I”m glad I was there!


I Attended Meetings

Meetings. I attended a lot of meetings. And they were great!

The Bible College/Christian Uni-versity President”s Association is a wonderful group. The spirit of cooperation among our colleges and universities is strong. We shared openly about the future of higher biblical education; the challenges and opportunities are large. But we are confident God is moving among our colleges to educate the next generation of ministers to serve his churches in both vocational and nonvocational services.

This group also oversees the Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission. Those who serve as chaplains, especially to our country”s military, are to be commended. This is a vital role in God”s kingdom.

The Dream of Destiny meeting, a group seeking to foster greater diversity in our brotherhood, was especially encouraging. Even though I am Caucasian, my wife and I are members at an African-American church. We hope to encourage more African-American preachers.

I attended a meeting concerning a possible international PhD degree (leadership) to educate those who will serve as professors of our colleges/universities overseas, which is a paramount endeavor.

Our alumni/graduate gathering was fun. What can be better than great ice cream, all the toppings, and people who love the Lord talking about ministry? With my institution”s new name change to Mid-Atlantic Christian University (formerly Roanoke Bible College and Eastern Christian College), the new logo T-shirts and mugs were moving quickly.

These are just a few of the formal meetings I had the privilege of attending. These opportunities to meet at the NACC are vital to moving the kingdom forward. It is hard to imagine what has come and what will become because of these meetings.


I Enjoyed Some Holy Hugs

I ate at the NACC. Every meal was an opportunity to talk with friends. The NACC is “the connecting place.” If you do not regularly attend the NACC, you are not connected! Do yourself a favor””start attending. I ate with ministers I have served with in the past. I ate with those I wish to have on my team in the future. I ate with people I love and care for. It was good to catch up and renew old friendships and start new ones. Food and friends are always a winning combination. Did I mention the ice cream at the alumni gathering?

I am a hugger. North, east, and west are directions, but South is a culture””a way of life. Being a Southerner””I hug. So at the NACC I hugged a lot.

Some folks I hugged really needed a hug. Ministry is no place for wimps””ministry is hard. (I decided a long time ago I would be an encourager. Spiritual headhunters really irritate me.) The NACC provides an opportunity to love and support those who are hurting. Some of those I hugged, hugged me back. They were having fun. They were full of smiles and the joy of ministry.

Ministry is a place of great joy. It is so encouraging to hear firsthand the great things God is doing. It is amazing how God is moving in our churches today. I know Paul told us to greet one another with a holy kiss (Romans 16:16), but I am a hugger””a holy hugger.


I Was Enriched

I was enriched at the NACC. I love good preaching. Preaching enriches the soul. Good preaching shares God”s amazing grace and love. The NACC has good preaching.

I also love educating preachers. Our colleges have an important role to play in educating the next generation of preachers. All of our colleges plead: “Send us men, and we will send you preachers!” The NACC provides a great opportunity to inspire and motivate the next generation of preachers.

Next time you”re at the NACC, stop by the Mid-Atlantic Christian University booth. I”ll make sure you get a hug!


D. Clay Perkins serves as president of Mid-Atlantic Christian University (formerly Roanoke Bible College and Eastern Christian College) in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. 


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