11 March, 2025

Introducing Hero HeadQuarters: Standard Publishing’s 2010 Vacation Bible School


by | 10 January, 2010 | 0 comments

By Joni Sullivan Baker

The boy with the five loaves and two fishes. Those shepherds abiding. An army officer asking for a servant to be healed.

These are stories we know pretty well.

But have you ever noticed something these stories have in common?

We don”t know the names of any of these people. Their actions weren”t as heroic as David facing Goliath, but their obedience made a significant difference. And the story of their obedience has been passed down through millennia.

They are heroes, but they are the approachable, “I-could-do-that” kind of heroes.

And they are being celebrated in Standard Publishing”s 2010 VBS called “Hero HeadQuarters: Where Kids Join Forces with God.”

“Hero HeadQuarters” helps kids discover that if they are willing to be used by God in any situation, they can make a difference. With God”s power at work, they can be heroes right where they are.

“We are defining being a hero for God,” said Ruth Frederick, editorial director for children”s ministry resources. “It”s not the same as how other people define it.”

“You can be a superhero but nobody knows it. One small choice done out of love can make you a superhero in God”s eyes.”

The 2010 theme verse, 1 Timothy 4:12, challenges kids, even though they”re young, to set an example for other believers as VBS introduces them to five heroes and challenges them with five lessons:

“¢ Heroes do the unexpected””A servant girl speaks up, and God”s power heals Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-14)

“¢ Heroes take action””Shepherds see baby Jesus and tell everyone about the Savior (Luke 2:1-20)

“¢ Heroes step out on faith””An army officer goes to Jesus, and Jesus heals his servant (Matthew 8:5-10, 13)

“¢ Heroes save the day””A boy shares his food, and Jesus feeds more than 5,000 people (John 6:1-13)

“¢ Heroes stand for truth””A young man shows courage, and Paul lives to serve Jesus (Acts 23:12-24)

Standard Publishing is one of the leading publishers of Vacation Bible School curriculum and received the 2009 Retailer”s Choice Award for top VBS in the nation from Christian Retailing magazine. Standard Publishing”s VBS programs consistently rank high with consumers for biblical content, thorough lessons, and variety of extra materials available.

Enhanced features this year include a stronger emphasis on children experiencing multisensory aspects of the story being told, like hearing the birds and eating some food while studying the story of the boy with the loaves and fishes.

Another new feature is “Kid Views,” the discussion-starting interviews with kids that lead into the theme of the day. Set in a “kid on the street” style, the Kid Views video asks kids questions like, “What is the hardest thing for you to share with other people?” and then includes answers from a range of ages. Younger kids admit to struggling with sharing toys and food, while older kids will start talking about the challenge of sharing their feelings.

The fresh, honest responses of the kids and the fast-paced editing make this a thoughtful and powerful addition to teaching each day”s theme.

The Starter Kit and Power Pak for “Hero HeadQuarters” can be ordered now. The Starter Kit ($69.99) includes director”s resources, plus sample site leader”s guides, and teacher and student materials, a total value of more than $175. The Power Pak includes all items in the Starter Kit plus the Costume Pack, Theme Pack, Art and Decorating CD, Life Focus Poster Pack, Site Names Poster Pack, and Kid Views DVD. The Power Pak costs $199.99, with materials valued at more than $325. All additional items will be available in February 2010. For information about ordering “Hero HeadQuarters,” visit www.standardpub.com/VBS or www.vacationbibleschool.com.

Joni Sullivan Baker is the managing director of Buoyancy Public Relations in Loveland, Ohio.


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