10 March, 2025

The NACC Is for Students Too!


by | 14 February, 2010 | 0 comments

By Phyllis Fox

Youth in Ministry (YiM) is excited to go BEYOND with the North American Christian Convention”s Student Convention in Indianapolis this summer. Our goal is to encourage students to go BEYOND ordinary worship and BEYOND radical discipleship. We have several familiar program elements plus new features that will excite students and their parents.

What’s New

We are encouraged by the many churches enjoying intergenerational worship, so we are trying something new in the 2010 Student Convention by having the students join the adults for the evening sessions. When students are in high school it is critical that they develop relationships with Christians outside their youth groups. This can be a powerful factor in fighting the trend today of post-high school church dropouts.

NACC President Ben Cachiaras has a proven track record of intergenerational services at Mountain Christian Church. He has designed the NACC evening sessions to be relevant to both students and adults. Students will also be involved on the NACC main stage in a variety of ways.

Another addition to the convention this year is the college fair. Representatives of participating colleges and universities will gather in one place to help students and their parents as they consider and discover institutions that offer a Christian education and environment. Join us after the main session Tuesday evening for a brief panel discussion on the benefits of attending a Christian college. Then enjoy dessert and a time to visit the displays from each of the participating colleges.

Student Convention

The 2010 Student Convention will have two morning main sessions (Wednesday and Thursday) and three workshop tracks in the afternoons. On Wednesday morning, Todd Clark of Discovery Christian Church, Simi Valley, California, will encourage students to “Go BEYOND Ordinary Worship” in their walk with Christ. Thursday morning, Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love and Forgotten God, will challenge students to “Go BEYOND Radical Discipleship.”

Each morning will share dynamic worship and enjoy some fun along the way. The student workshops will offer three tracks focusing on discipleship, leadership, and missions. Visit www.youthinministry.org for workshop leaders and details.

In between sessions and workshops, “The Zone” provides students a place to hang out, play games, and have fun. On Wednesday night after the main session, students are invited for a late-night concert and other activities.

Workshops for Student Ministers and Sponsors

The NACC will also offer workshops designed for student ministers, as they go BEYOND everyday caring for the students in their churches and community. The Wednesday and Thursday workshop topics include “Beyond Lecture to Experiential Teaching,” “Beyond Relational Ministry,” and more. Francis Chan will teach a workshop exclusively for student ministers and leaders at 2 pm Thursday.

Unbelievable Price

There is no other convention, conference, or camp where students and student ministers can find all of these program features for such a low price, including special discounts for early-bird registration. Go BEYOND and discover how you can follow Jesus to a place you have never been.


Phyllis Fox is director of church relations and Youth in Ministry at Milligan College in Tennessee. Youth in Ministry has been the producer of the NACC Student Convention since 2005. She serves as a contributing editor to CHRISTIAN STANDARD.

Visit the NACC’s Web site


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