6 March, 2025

Lesson for Oct. 3, 2010: God”s Majesty and Human Dignity (Psalm 8)

by | 27 September, 2010 | 10 comments

This week”s treatment of the International Sunday School Lesson (for October 3) is written by Dave Butts who serves as president of Harvest Prayer Ministries in Terre Haute, Indiana.


God’s Majesty and Human Dignity ( Psalm 8 )

By Dave Butts

How much do we really know about God? How can we learn more of who God really is? God certainly has revealed some of his nature in his Word. A careful examination of the life of Jesus shows us even more. For the Lord said if we have seen him, we have seen the Father.

Psalm 8 gives us an even more basic understanding of God”s self-revelation. Theologians from long ago talked about natural theology, which means discovering more about God from observing his creation. Here the psalmist uses natural theology to bring us to greater worship of our Creator.

A Majestic God

This psalm of praise begins and ends with the same declaration: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:1, 9). As we learn how to worship better, that phrase often comes to our lips. It is a statement of current reality and future fulfillment. God”s name is majestic in all the earth today, even if much of the earth does not recognize it. There will be a day, however, when all the earth will recognize and bow before the majesty of his name.

It is the reality of a creator God that prompts such praise. Even children can see the majesty of God in what he has made. The attacks by enemies of God are blunted by the innocent praise of children who often see more clearly than those who are older and more learned.

As the psalmist looked to the night sky and saw the majesty of God in his creation, he quite naturally compared that magnificent display of glory to the seeming insignificance of mankind. It”s easy to get overwhelmed by God”s nightly display of majesty in the stars and moon. The writer of this psalm was neither the first nor last human to wonder about man”s place when considering the vastness of the universe.

A Comforting God

It is precisely here, though, that Psalm 8 becomes a very personal comfort and encouragement to each of us. For through God”s revelation, we understand mankind is a part of that vast creation. And not only a part, but on planet Earth we have been given dominion and authority to rule in God”s name over what he created.

Mankind”s place in creation is clarified in verses 4 and 5. God made us in his own image to be a little lower than the angels. In the New Testament, we are told we one day will judge angels. That”s a whole other story. For now, we see that man has a significant place in the big picture. He is both flesh and spirit, made in the image of God.

A Praiseworthy God

Mankind, with all its creativity, is a further testament to the glory of God. Every time we see another human, it is an opportunity to praise God. God”s majesty is seen not only in the moon and the stars, but in the very beings who surround us each day. We are made for the praise of his glory!

For years it has been my practice to pray the psalms. Psalm 8 is a powerful prayer of praise. Perhaps we could pray it something like this:

“Lord, I delight in the majesty of your name. All the earth someday will bow before your glory. I love to look into the night sky and see your handiwork. Only you, Lord, only you could create something so magnificent and glorious. Even little children can look at creation and know that someone made all of this. May our praises, along with the praise of children, be used to proclaim your glory and power to those who have set themselves up against you.

“It is amazing the creator of all things would even notice me . . . but you do. I am in awe that you made me in your image, and have given me a task to help explain who you are and somehow even bring you increased glory. Help me when I see others to know that they also are made in your image and have a value beyond anything in this physical world. Teach me to love others as you do.

“I praise you, Lord, for your creativity and love. I long for the day when all men, women, and children everywhere will see your majesty throughout the earth!”


*All Scripture references are from the New International Version, unless otherwise indicated.

Sept. 27: 1 Peter 4:12-19
Sept. 28: Isaiah 45:9-13
Sept. 29: 1 Chronicles 29:10-16
Sept. 30: Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
Oct. 1: Psalm 145:8-13
Oct. 2: Genesis 1:26-31
Oct. 3:  Psalm 8

ABOUT THE LESSON WRITER: Dave Butts is a minister and serves as president of Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute, Indiana. He also serves as chairman of America”s National Prayer Committee.


  1. Craig

    This is a good lesson, I enjoyed it. I’m just waiting to get the lesson book and e-commentary (to take advantage of it in Logos 4) to get even more out of this lesson as I know this is not all of it presented here. Thank you,


  2. Shirley Kingsby

    I enjoy the lessons from week to week, very inspiring, simple enough for anyone to understand, continue to let God use you in his word of sharing.
    God Bless You!

  3. Alfreda

    After reading this passage I found myself in deep concentration on how good it is just to know that our God can do so many wonderful things if only we believe , and trust him. God is so wonderful. Let God keep on using you so you will be able to help someone along the way that may not even know who God is.

  4. Gladys

    The newest version of the lesson is wonderful. The format is easy to read and understand and so much easier to download. Thank you and may God continue to bless your outreach ministry.

  5. Linda

    The new Sunday School lesson format is awesome. It helps shed light and insight to the lesson as it is being taught. Super job.

  6. Joyce Davis

    Studying this lessons is a song of praise to God Almighty which glorifies his Majesty. And I love to sit on my back porch and study and read. And then i have to stop and just look at his beautiful Creation””the trees, dogs, cats, birds, etc.

  7. Jerlene Smith

    I didn’t expect the change in the format of the lesson. I think it is wonderful, and the friendly print is great and saves a lot of paper. Keep up the good work.

  8. Glen

    I thank God for the work that is presented in this lesson. It is straight forword and easy to understand. You provided a better explanation of the scriptures than what I had in mind.

    I pray that many will be saved and helped by your ministry.

    May God Bless and Keep you in the name of Jesus.

  9. simon sheffield

    Keep up the GOOD WORKS.>>>> GOD Bless ALL.

  10. Bible Study

    I love this psalm, it is one of my favorites. I think it speaks of God’s mystery, seeing his name is majestic in the earth. Few truly understand the power behind the name of Jesus.

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