29 September, 2024

Growing Like Jesus (Intro)


by | 2 September, 2010 | 0 comments

Mention growth to a Christian audience, and their thinking quickly goes to the spiritual. Yet “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:51, 52). He showed us that growing close to God is connected with every other kind of growth, too. The intellectual, physical, and social dimensions of life all connect to the spiritual. And growth in any of these areas is most successful when accompanied by growth in the other three.

This week we asked eight friends, Christian Standard contributing editors or members of our Publishing Committee, “What has helped you grow?” Their answers can help all of us to grow like Jesus.

Here are links to essays written by the following individuals:

LeRoy Lawson

Matthew Proctor

Becky Ahlberg

Glen Elliott

Pat Magness

Jennifer Taylor

Eddie Lowen

Jim Tune


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