Florida Christian College (Kissimmee, FL) inaugurated Bill Behrman as president on Oct. 1. Berhman has previously served as chief financial officer, vice president of institutional advancement, and interim president at the college.
Florida Christian College (Kissimmee, FL) inaugurated Bill Behrman as president on Oct. 1. Berhman has previously served as chief financial officer, vice president of institutional advancement, and interim president at the college.
An abundance of opportunities exist for fellowship, intellectual advancement and worship that goes far beyond your normal church activities.
How can we make prayer a more consistent part of our daily lives?
Denford Chizanga of The Africa Development Mission Trust will serve as the president of the 2025 ICOM gathering in Atlanta.
Jesus was a man on a mission, but people were at the heart of his mission. The Lord is our shepherd, and he calls us to be shepherds, too.
TCM’s tools and mission have adapted to past changes, but the enduring focus today remains the same: to equip Christian leaders for significant service so that every nation will have effective leaders of disciple-making movements impacting their churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.