9 March, 2025

The 10/40 Window Is Open to You


by | 17 November, 2010 | 1 comment

By Greg Swinney

Mission agencies continue to direct our focus at sharing the gospel in the 10/40 window. This geographical region sandwiched between 10 degrees north latitude and 40 degrees north latitude stretches from Africa to the Philippines and represents the majority of the unreached people groups of the world.

More than 65 percent of international students come from nations within the 10/40 window. Prayers for unreached people groups are being answered. The 10/40 window is no longer 8,000 miles away; in some cases it is minutes from your home.

Though you may not be able to speak a foreign language, get an international visa, or pay for a plane ticket, you can help reach the world in Jesus” name. Begin the journey by simply becoming a friend.

International students are immersed in a new culture and are far away from family, friends, and everything that was once familiar to them. These students feel out of place, lost, and alone. On top of that, most are still learning to speak English.

Surrounded by Americans who talk fast, walk fast, and seem to have little patience, these international guests wander in silent desperation. They just want a friend.

Greg Swinney serves as the ministry facilitator with Crossroads International Student Ministries. Prior to this calling he served as a campus minister in Nebraska for 26 years. For more information about Crossroads International, write [email protected] or Crossroads International, P.O. Box 305, Kearney, NE 68848.

1 Comment

  1. Gilbert Guillermo

    I am happy to hear that the Philippines is included with the 10/40 window of which mission agencies are still focusing into. As a matter of fact, it is important to note that mission organizations (of the Christian churches/churches of Christ) now operating in my country (Philippines) are now majority manned and directed by Filipinos. Nevertheless, it is so important to note also, that our churches (with few exemptions) here are not really much capable to support mission works in the area, of whatsoever reason or reasons, one of the factors is of the economic status of our membership.

    Say for instance in my mission (SOCAVA) area (with only less than 10 small churches), It is sad to accept that not even 5 percent is reached by the gospel though our group (Christian churches/churches of Christ) with that fact that an American mission organization had been in the area for 56 years (1948-2004). But then, with the mission that God had given us, we are determined to do the work the best we can. In spite of financial difficulties, with that conviction that God will to provide our needs in the ministry, we will stay focus on sharing His Gospel. Include us in your prayers.

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