10 March, 2025

Every Issue from 2010 on One CD!


by | 20 January, 2011 | 0 comments

The 2010 CHRISTIAN STANDARD CD-ROM provides readers with a whole year of CHRISTIAN STANDARD at ready reference.

This helpful tool contains every 2010 issue, conveniently indexed and searchable. Click on an article in the index, and it immediately opens a PDF of the issue in which that article appears. Click on that issue’s table of contents, and the article will pop-up on your computer screen.

Use the CD-ROM for research or to find teaching and preaching illustrations. Search by topic or author name. Find articles to share with friends, church staff members, elders, deacons, and teachers.

You’ll use this new tool again and again””every word of the 2010 CHRISTIAN STANDARD issues on one disc! Find articles you missed. Compile articles by your favorite author. Use the Communion meditations as you lead worship.

Operates on both Windows and Mac computers.

Click here to order.

Christian Standard 2010 / CD-ROM / $19.99 / Item 025472210


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