It is my earnest desire that after attending this year”s NACC, you and I””God”s church””will never be the same. If you have not been to the NACC in recent years, you may not be aware of the truly remarkable conventions we have been having. The NACC is the place to connect and network with people of the same faith.
Men, women, ministers, missionaries, and educators from around the world come for a spiritually rejuvenating time of worship, fellowship, Bible studies, workshops, preaching, and teaching from some of the best Christian leaders in the country. I think it is the best continuing education course in America for those of us serving in ministry. It has also become a wonderful event for families who are strengthened and encouraged by excellent children”s and teens” programs that augment the convention.
I believe the 2011 NACC will be one of the most exciting and diverse conventions to date. I”m also looking forward to having Anita Renfroe, speaker and prolific author, headline our Women”s Conference, and Miles McPherson, pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, lead a powerful session about making our lives count.
Last year, almost 10,000 Christians came to be blessed, encouraged, inspired, revived, and refreshed by some element of the NACC. We never fail to fully grasp the ripple effect of God”s Spirit infusing the convention and strengthening our churches around the world, and this year is sure to be no exception.
“”Dudley Rutherford