10 March, 2025

Through the Week at the 2011 NACC


by | 16 February, 2011 | 0 comments

The 2011 North American Christian Convention takes place from July 5-8 at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Here is a basic schedule of events:


8:30 a.m.”“4:30 p.m.: Restoration Heritage Tour (includes lunch)

8:30 a.m.”“4:30 p.m.: Creation Museum Tour (includes lunch)

Noon: Standard Publishing Luncheon

2:00 p.m.: UNLEASHED Web Site Seminar

3:00 p.m.: Exhibit Hall opens

7:00 p.m.: Evening Main Session with Dudley C. Rutherford

8:30 p.m.: NACC President”s Opening Night Reception
(immediately following the Main Session)

8:30 p.m.: College Showcase

10:00 p.m.: Exhibit Hall closes


7:30 a.m.: NACC Ministry Networking Breakfast

8:30 a.m.: Exhibitor workshops

8:30 a.m.: Bible Study led by Bob Russell

9:00 a.m.: Exhibit Hall opens

9:45 a.m.: Morning Main Session with Daryl Reed and Greg Nettle

Noon: NACC Seniors” Luncheon featuring Kay Moll

1:30 p.m.: Afternoon Session with Miles McPherson, former pro football player turned pastor

3:00 p.m.: Workshops

4:15 p.m.: Workshops

5:30 p.m.: NACC President”s Banquet (open to all) featuring Rick Atchley and Dr. Jerry Taylor

7:00 p.m.: Evening Main Session with Mike Breaux

10:00 p.m.: Exhibit Hall closes


7:30 a.m.: NACC Ministry Networking Breakfast

8:30 a.m.: Exhibitor workshops

8:30 a.m.: Bible Study led by Bob Russell

9:00 a.m.: Exhibit Hall opens

9:45 a.m.: Morning Main Session with Phillip Allen Jr. and Dave Stone

Noon: NACC Ladies” Luncheon featuring Beth Guckenberger

1:30 p.m.: Afternoon Session with Anita Renfroe, who inspires with her inventive musical comedy

3:00 p.m.: Workshops

4:15 p.m.: Workshops

5:30 p.m.: Affiliated events / meals

7:00 p.m.: Evening Main Session with Jeff Vines

8:30 p.m.: College receptions

8:30 p.m.: Affiliated special events

10:00 p.m.: Exhibit Hall closes (final night!)


8:30 a.m.: Exhibitor workshops

8:30 a.m.: Bible Study led by Bob Russell

9:45 a.m.: Morning Main Session with Francis Chan and Jeff Walling

Noon: 2011 NACC concludes

NOTE: Several events require tickets and/or additional payment. Complete information at www.gotonacc.org, where reservations may also be made.


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