11 March, 2025

2011 College Reports: “˜God Is at Work on Our Campus”


by | 9 March, 2011 | 0 comments

Boise Bible College students enjoy specialty coffee drinks while studying on the campus lawn.

By Staff

We asked colleges and seminaries associated with Christian churches and churches of Christ to provide updates on what”s happening at their institutions. Here”s what they had to say (these are listed alphabetically):

Alberta Bible College

Alberta Bible College”s endowment scholarship gives students a highly subsidized tuition rate of $5,850 per year. This allows many students to focus on their ministries and complete their program with little or no debt. ABC deeply integrates classroom learning with real-world experience. Our students” lives reflect this emphasis on ministry and the important work they accomplish.

Jackson, a second-year student, transferred from another college and, in his first semester, had the opportunity to preach to several congregations, experienced intercultural ministry on native reserves, and received a paying job as a worship music leader. Erika, a third-year student, spent her summer leading a team of students who operated eight youth camps across western Canada, sings in the worship band New Sound, and helped lead in planting a Spanish-speaking church in Calgary. You can see more of these two students and understand what the year in the life of an Alberta Bible College student looks like by going to abccampus.ca/Jackson and abccampus.ca/Erika.

Atlanta Christian College

Atlanta Christian College has announced the 2012 relocation of its traditional campus to West Point, Georgia, an expansion of athletics to include football, and a new name””Point University.

The university”s first semester of classes in West Point, located an hour southwest of Atlanta near the Georgia-Alabama state line, will be in fall 2012. Point University (name to take effect July 2011) will maintain an adult degree program at its current East Point location, as well as its satellite location in Peachtree City. Plans also call for launching a satellite location in Savannah in fall 2011.

The relocation of the traditional, residential campus to West Point will enable the university to accommodate future growth of its student body, physical campus, and athletic offerings, as well as position it to draw students from more areas of the Southeast. (See longer story on p. 36.)

Boise Bible College

God is calling inspired, passionate, and motivated workers to be equipped for ministry at Boise Bible College, which saw record enrollment this school year and anticipates significant growth in coming years.

The development of a competent and committed team of student leaders has resulted in several events designed to bring students together and to create a strong sense of community on campus. Thursday evening devotions have been among the most significant. Students take the lead in designing a time to focus on authentic worship and personal growth. This ministry attracts students from two major local universities, and lives are being changed.

The Lion”s Den coffee shop, which opened last fall, provides a unique social atmosphere on campus. Events such as “Lionpalooza”””an event planned and organized by the sophomore class””brought the student body and the surrounding community together for fun evenings of carnival games and food. Our students raised nearly $5,000 to provide meals for missionaries at the National Missionary Convention in Lexington, Kentucky, in November, and a group of students traveled there to experience God at work around the world.

God is sending BBC students into the community, to the churches, and to global missions.

Central Christian College of the Bible

Central is witnessing God”s ability “to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20, New American Standard Bible). He works through the most unlikely events and situations. During the 2008-09 recession, CCCB delayed construction of the Walton Student Center for over a year. Yet God used that delay to bless Central, as the developer lowered construction costs by $38,000, and the college was able to complete funding to build and equip the center. As a Bible college that provides full-tuition scholarships to its students, Central needed this facility to benefit the students but without adding debt.

God works through gifted personnel. A residence director with a degree in interior design selected the colors, fabric, and furnishings to create an extremely attractive, functional student center, which was dedicated on October 29. Students now have a place to collaborate, relax, pray, study, exercise, share together, and grow in their faith journey.

Central continues to hold securely to its conservative, biblical, and theological heritage. Of 90 graduates in May 2010, 20 went straight into ministry debt-free. In August, Central will begin its 11th year of providing full-tuition scholarships and making Christian higher education more affordable.

Christian Kingdom College

God cast a vision for a Bible college among the leaders of the Church of Christ at Mountain View in Winchester, Virginia, nearly 20 years ago. In 1995, Christian Kingdom College was born. Fifteen years later, CKC has branched into other communities by adding five additional campus sites. Through the years, God has used the college to equip hundreds of kingdom workers. Future evangelists, elders, and teachers benefit from strong in-class instruction and placement in brotherhood congregations to be mentored as they learn. Additionally, graduates leave the college with no educational debt.

Cincinnati Christian University

Cincinnati Christian University wants all of its graduates to have the Bible in their heads and ministry in their hearts, President David Faust says, and that”s why this year CCU implemented a new spiritual development plan to encourage the students” wholehearted participation in corporate worship, small groups, and service to others.

CCU also sees God”s hand at work in the following ways:

“¢ During the past year, 211 new graduates have been equipped to serve.

“¢ The music program has been accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

“¢ The Urban Scholars program has grown to include 11 full-time students.

“¢ There has been steady enrollment at CCU”s extension sites in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Springdale, Ohio; and a new site was started in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

“¢ We have enrolled international students from Kosova, Jordan, Thailand, Iraq, India, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and other nations.

“¢ LEAD, an honors program for undergraduates, has expanded, with 24 students now receiving guidance from experienced ministry mentors.

“¢ A new program allows students from Partner Churches to receive $3,000 annual scholarships (and half-tuition scholarships for church staff members).

“¢ Substantial progress has been made toward raising $2 million for the Russell School of Ministry to provide scholarships for ministry students and support for the ministry department.

Crossroads College

Crossroads College of Rochester, Minnesota, celebrates almost 5,000 alumni and 98 years of academic excellence.

Crossroads” Concert Chorale, directed by Professor Brian Dunbar, performed a Christmas concert at the Mayo Clinic”s St. Mary”s Chapel, and also performed its annual concert at the Federal Medical Prison in Rochester, presenting encouraging Christmas music and the gospel message of hope to staff and inmates.

On campus and off, Crossroads is impacting the world for Christ:

“¢ Students initiated a weekly late-night “Prayer on the Hill” to pray for each other, the college, and the city of Rochester.

“¢ Several new adult learners from China enrolled in the online Bible/theology and ministry courses. Many of the Chinese students are already serving in growing house churches.

“¢ Last summer, students made multiple trips to Rwanda (with Crossroads” Professors Claudio Divino and Joe Sprinkle), and plans are underway for a summer trip to the Philippines.

“¢ In May, Crossroads will see one of its largest graduating classes, with almost 50 students completing programs in pastoral leadership, counseling/psychology, youth/family/community, business, intercultural studies, music, and biblical theological studies, among others.

Dallas Christian College

God is at work through the student community at Dallas Christian College, which has never been more diverse. Last fall, minorities represented 45 percent of all students at the college. Students come from across the nation, and from Asia, Ethiopia, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Scotland, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Chapel services are a preview of eternity as African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic, and international students worship God as one.

In 2010, DCC”s faculty, staff, students, and alumni ministered on every continent””from the poorest slums and villages to the richest areas””preaching the beautiful words of the gospel, applying fresh paint to dingy walls, and washing filthy feet.

Among the administrative and faculty changes in 2010, Paul Kissling was installed as vice president of academic affairs, Maynard Phillips joined the development team as vice president of institutional advancement, and Matthew LaGrange was named chairman of the psychology department.

Emmanuel Christian Seminary

Emmanuel will grant degrees to its 45th graduating class this May, and those graduates will join alumni now serving in 35 nations as missionaries, military chaplains, campus ministers, preachers, Bible translators, counselors, youth ministers, and in a variety of other roles. The current student body has representatives from 10 nations.

A major change taking place is adoption of a new name. On June 1, the graduate seminary will officially change its name from Emmanuel School of Religion to Emmanuel Christian Seminary. The new Web site address will be www.ecs.edu.

This school year, the Society of Biblical Literature published two books written by Emmanuel professors: The Story of the Text of the New Testament by Robert Hull, professor emeritus of New Testament, and Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient Israel by Christopher Rollston, professor of Old Testament and Semitic studies.

The Emmanuel Institutes, led by John Wasem, continues to offer seminars for church leaders and sponsor research projects to help the church at large. DVDs of the seminars are available on request.

Florida Christian College

In addition to experiencing a record number of students during the past year, Florida Christian College has added organizational leadership and nonprofit management classes and seen a leadership change at the top.

William K. Behrman became the fifth president of FCC during an inauguration ceremony October 1. Behrman previously served as vice president of institutional advancement and chief financial officer. He earned the support and confidence of college trustees, faculty, and constituents through his energetic leadership style combined with a humble spirit of service.

Great Lakes Christian College

GLCC students are involved in a variety of ways as servant leaders in the church and world. Sixty-three percent of the students completing outreach ministries in the fall semester were involved in church and parachurch ministries on a regular basis. Short-term mission trips during biannual “Week of Outreach” events are life-changing experiences for students and faculty alike. Trips to the Dominican Republic, Philippines, Honduras, Haiti, Canada, Mississippi, and Washington, D.C., are planned this year.

Several students have teamed with HOME, a new ministry in Michigan directed by GLCC alumnus Shelley Gilpin. Students are sharing food, clothing, and hope with the homeless and those in need in Lansing, Detroit, and Grand Rapids.

In November, more than 450 high school youth attending GLCC”s Fusion event were organized into teams and ministered to people in Lansing with HOME, as well as doing other work projects there.

Hope International University

Last fall, about 80 students and faculty from Hope continued a long tradition of partnership with Amor Ministries and spent four Saturdays building homes in Tijuana, Mexico. Working in a challenging location and in extreme weather conditions, volunteers were able to complete two homes and give two families livable housing.

The experience of building these homes came to a poignant close on the final day when one of the homes was dedicated in memory of Joel Schubert, Hope alum and former campus minister, who died last spring. Gayla and Scott Congdon, Amor Ministries” founders and presidents, joined in the dedication.

There are additional plans to help with Amor”s Barnabas program in the spring, and to serve in New York City, Kenya, and Ukraine this summer, providing students more opportunities to put their training in servant leadership into practice.

Johnson Bible College

Johnson Bible College sees God at work in answering prayers for a student body that actively seeks his heart for the lost and hurting. Many of JBC”s more than 800 externally focused students are feeding the homeless, reaching children and teens in local schools, serving in churches, planning intensive mission trips, and collecting funds to support others involved in global outreach.

There is an increasing interest in spiritual formation, with many students registering for that course, and attending “silent” retreats, participating in accountability groups, and evaluating spiritual development rather than programming when choosing a local congregation with which to identify.

God is also at work in new developments. JBC”s connections with China continue to grow. Fifteen Chinese teachers are enrolled in the school”s master”s program in educational technology, with some courses taught in China. The new programs in management of nonprofit organizations has resonated strongly with students””38 are taking advantage of this opportunity. In August, JBC will launch a new online bachelor”s degree.

Kentucky Christian University

God has continued to bless the educational ministry of Kentucky Christian University in remarkable ways as the institution maintains a distinct educational commitment to the next generation of Christian leaders.

The university”s board of trustees recently approved starting a biology/preprofessional degree program, which will (pending appropriate accreditation authorization) begin in the fall. The academically rigorous program includes areas of emphases for students wishing to pursue careers in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, and is designed to prepare students to gain entry to, and succeed in, highly competitive professional schools.

“It is extremely gratifying,” states KCU President Jeff Metcalf, “to see this program come to fruition, as it has been a major component of the university”s strategic plan for some time. Given the outstanding success KCU has experienced with our Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, the further extension of our curriculum into health sciences areas is a natural progression. As with all other fields, health professionals attaining their undergraduate education at KCU enter their careers uniquely equipped to utilize vocation as a tool for furthering the name and cause of Jesus Christ.”

For information about the biology/preprofessional degree program, contact Dr. Mitch Marshall, associate vice president for Health Sciences, at (606) 474-3232 or [email protected].

Lincoln Christian University

The intercultural studies program at LCU is among the largest majors and reflects the heart and vision of the whole university. It is this kind of programming and vision that fosters such a significant commitment to global missions among LCU students. Research has shown more than 15,000 alumni are serving in over 160 different countries. This year, nearly 100 students are majoring in intercultural studies. Last year, students completed internships in such locations as Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, South Korea, Germany, Kenya, Laos, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Quebec. Administrators and faculty have also made recent trips to China, India, England, Austria, Congo, Morocco, Bulgaria, Poland, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. The last few years, the missionary-in-residence program has hosted missionaries from Mexico, Thailand, Czech Republic, and Cambodia.

In addition to this, other cultural boundaries are being crossed.

Each spring the entire undergraduate campus disperses for a week of ministry called “Week of E3.” For the last three years, roughly one of every five LCU students has gone overseas for this week. Recently, students have gone to 33 service sites in 10 different countries. Over the last five years, Lincoln has graduated more than 100 students currently serving cross-culturally.

Louisville Bible College

The “Dream with Me” vision was unveiled by President Tracy W. Marx, in conjunction with the board of regents. It outlines his vision for LBC, including: building relationships; providing the highest quality conservative biblical education; supplying spiritual growth and physical fitness opportunities; improving campus facilities; and offering church leadership seminars, Bible studies, and retreats. To aid in accomplishing the vision, new staff members were added: Melissa Patrick, director of student services, and Rob Rasor, marketing & technology coordinator; also, Peter J. Rasor was promoted to full-time professor of Bible and theology.

For the benefit of students, undergraduate on-campus tuition was reduced to $125 per credit hour, and graduate tuition was reduced to $150 per credit hour.

Louisville Bible College is impacting the Louisville metropolitan area and beyond. During the Kentucky State Fair, the college placed a billboard on I-65 in response to an atheist billboard campaign. LBC”s billboard read: “Believe in Jesus Christ? You”re definitely not alone.”

Manhattan Christian College

The MCC campus is united in “Sharpening Our Focus” on God, mission, service, and people. Since 1927, the college has trained more than 2,000 graduates to penetrate the world with the gospel. It took almost 70 years for MCC to celebrate its 1,000th graduate, but only 13 more years to reach its 2,000th.

The college is fulfilling its mission to an ever-changing culture through academic diversity, including traditional education programs, adult education, evening classes, and online degree completion programs. William “Bill” Jenkins recently joined the faculty as associate professor of English and head of the general studies department.

Kerusso Dayz short-term mission trips, both locally and nationally, provide opportunities for students to practice the lessons being taught in classrooms and to proclaim Christ”s love. Faculty and staff are also committed to contributing 5,000 hours of Christian service this year to impact the kingdom.

Cultivating relationships with individuals, churches, and potential students has aided in strengthening the college”s financial position, boosted enrollment by 9 percent, helped increase opportunities that expand the college”s influence in training workers, and positively impacted the Manhattan community.

Maritime Christian College

God continues to bless Maritime Christian College. Interest in a Christian education seems to be on the rise among young people, and they have an unprecedented enthusiasm to reach their own generation.

Part of that forward thinking has resulted in a revamped chapel service that now has a new name, “Current.” The meaning is twofold: first, to be swept up, as in rushing water, in the current that is Christ. Second, to be relevant to today”s culture. The slogan for MCC”s new weekly service is “Today”s Church Today.” A strong emphasis on creative arts and exegetical preaching is paying dividends by creating an excitement that is impacting the lives of MCC students and attracting local university students.

The college sees God”s fingerprints in the greater awareness of MCC in the community and in the increased enthusiasm of its students.

Mid-Atlantic Christian University

Developments during the 2009-10 school year show how God is at work at Mid-Atlantic Christian University: MACU”s accreditation was reaffirmed for 10 years by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education; 13 students participated in international mission trips; majors in general ministry and counseling/psychology were started; a cooperative agreement allows students to be involved with Army ROTC; and the School of Professional Studies was created.

Other positive developments included a 7 percent growth in overall enrollment; MACU”s recognition as a military friendly school; and the launch of a new spiritual development initiative for student growth. MACU alumni serve in 43 states and 15 countries. A growing number of alumni and friends are including MACU in their wills, and both general giving and total net assets have grown. Also, financial ratios with the U.S. Department of Education have improved.

God is at work at MACU, in the lives of students as they serve, in the lives of faculty and staff as they mentor, and in the lives of supporters who encourage all of us as the school seeks to impact the world by transforming ordinary people into extraordinary Christian leaders.

Mid-South Christian College

Mid-South Christian College”s Ministry Teams program is in its second year. By design, teams of students work together on real-time ministry projects. This year the team”s goal is to plant a new church before graduating.

The college”s faculty and academic dean have put together a new curriculum that emphasizes learning through action. The program offers a Bachelor of Christian Leadership and provides a mix of both biblical and leadership studies. The program focuses on new church planting as a part of the student”s learning experience.

Among the challenges facing the college and its students is the economic crisis that has hit the Mid-South particularly hard. But everyone continues to trust God to provide what is needed to do his will.

Students are excited and the team is developing a genuine sense of camaraderie and mutual support that has amazed faculty and staff. The college enjoys a family atmosphere of academics, worship, growth, and fun.

Milligan College

Milligan continues to be blessed with growth and success in its mission of educating servant-leaders. Another record enrollment of 1,130 students was achieved in August. In recent months, the college has received national recognition as one of the 10 Best Regional Colleges and in the top five Best Buys in the South by U.S. News & World Report. Also, Milligan was named among the top 100 baccalaureate colleges in the nation by Washington Monthly, whose college guide calls attention to service-oriented schools.

The college announced two new academic affiliations: a dual degree agreement with the colleges of pharmacy at both Mercer University (Atlanta, Georgia) and East Tennessee State University (Johnson City, Tennessee); and the launching of an off-site class of its MBA program at Walters State Community College (Morristown, Tennessee).

President Donald R. Jeanes intends to retire in July after 14 years of service; he will continue in the role of chancellor after retirement, playing a vital role in the college”s Forward Ever campaign. During his years as president, Milligan experienced record enrollments, successful fund-raising campaigns, major renovations of buildings and grounds, construction of three new buildings, the addition of a half-dozen academic programs, and accreditation of professional programs. Milligan”s board plans to name Jeanes”s successor in April.

Nebraska Christian College

Nebraska Christian College”s target goal for new students last fall was 72, based on Jesus” commissioning 72 workers to go out and reap a harvest of souls. God answered prayers and 72 first-time students enrolled for the semester, including the highest percentage of minority students in the college”s history (17 percent).

The college broke ground in September for the new Sapp Brothers Memorial Ministry Equipping Center. The $3.2 million facility will feature state-of-the-art classrooms with full technology for music, worship training, and preaching courses. There will be eight music practice rooms, a large choral rehearsal studio, and a student commons area. The centerpiece of the building will be a 550-seat auditorium with multimedia and recording capabilities. The building should be ready for fall.

Mark S. Krause is the new academic dean. Krause came from Westwood Hills Christian Church in Los Angeles, and previously served as academic dean for Puget Sound Christian College.

The college”s Christmas program, “The Colors of Christmas” was presented in December at the Music Hall in downtown Omaha and featured the NCC Gospel Choir with guest artists Audrey Assad and Jars of Clay. More than 1,600 people attended the event, which has become an Omaha Christmas favorite.

Northwest Christian University

Northwest welcomed three new faces to the campus community in recent months. On June 1, Joseph D. Womack became the 10th president in NCU”s 115-year history. Womack began his career nearly 20 years ago as an admissions counselor at NCU. Also, Terrance O”Casey was appointed as associate professor for Christian ministry in the fall. A respected minister, O”Casey has made an impact on NCU students through the excitement he brings to preaching, inside and outside the classroom. And new campus pastor Troy Dean has been openly welcomed by students, faculty, and staff. Previously a preaching pastor from California, Dean brings passion for collegiate ministry. These three men are bringing new life and energy to NCU as they continue the school”s emphasis on spiritual formation.

Ozark Christian College

There have been many recent evidences that God is at work at Ozark Christian College:

“¢ The college became debt-free in October, and has almost reached its $3.9 million goal in the “One Leader at a Time” campaign to provide scholarships and upgrade campus technology.

“¢ The Tuesday Tour program for prospective students is seeing record numbers, and there have been two consecutive years of enrollment growth. Also, applications for fall of 2011 are 30 percent ahead of last year.

“¢ Newly arriving faculty include Jeff Snell, who will return as professor of preaching and New Testament and also lead the exploratory process as Ozark considers offering a graduate program, and Shane Wood, professor of New Testament.

“¢ A chapel service that challenged students to sacrifice some of their personal items for the gospel saw students immediately gather televisions, bicycles, guitars, jewelry, computers, and 50-some iPods that were sold on eBay for more than $10,000. The money was used to support a missionary in the Congo.

Saint Louis Christian College

Saint Louis Christian College experienced another record-breaking enrollment in fall semester 2010. Professors and students have served and taught in several countries during the past year, expanding the influence of Christ.

Summer classes were offered for the first time, and many students took advantage of the new opportunity.

In the last 12 months the college developed several new partnerships to increase the vocational options for SLCC students. A 2+2 agreement with Central Methodist University (Fayette, Missouri) leads to a BS in child development; all courses are offered on SLCC”s campus. An arrangement with the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (Dallas, Texas) permits students to receive credit toward a master”s degree in Bible translation while still students at SLCC. Lindenwood University (St. Charles, Missouri) has agreed to accept students holding SLCC”s two-year degree in general studies as junior students; SLCC students with bachelor”s degrees are welcome into Lindenwood”s graduate programs. All three schools are regionally accredited.

SLCC began enrolling students in a new behavioral ministry program that offers a concentration in the fields of psychology and counseling to prepare students who are committed to a vocation in counseling or social work and who plan to do graduate work in those fields.

Roughly 30 percent of SLCC students are enrolled in AIM””Adults in Ministry””an evening program for adult learners that permits them to work day jobs and attend night classes offered once a week in an intensive format to earn an associate or bachelor”s degree. Jesus 101 is a tuition-free class offered three times a year that permits prospective students to gain exposure to college-level Bible instruction; many subsequently enroll in either a traditional or AIM degree program.

SLCC professors joined the faculties of Central Christian College of the Bible (Moberly, Missouri) and Ozark Christian College (Joplin, Missouri) for their first joint retreat at the Southern Heights Christian Church in Lebanon, Missouri. Craig Blomberg was the featured speaker.

Summit Christian College

Summit Christian College, known widely for its mission emphasis, is preparing to celebrate 60 years of service as an instrument in God”s hands to prepare students for Christian leadership ministries here and abroad. The small college has been blessed in many ways. Its beautiful campus, acquired only three years ago, is ideally located along the Oregon Trail in the North Platte Valley of the Nebraska Panhandle. The rugged Scotts Bluff National Monument provides an idyllic backdrop for students as they study. Because of strong support among congregations throughout the Rocky Mountain and High Plains region, SCC is able to keep its rates among the lowest in the country, making it possible for students to graduate without debt, and affording them a great advantage as they seek to serve the Lord wherever he might lead them.

Summit Theological Seminary

Summit has received a wonderful opportunity to acquire two dorm buildings which, if God wills it, will be added to the school”s current independent program to include resident classes for men who wish to become preachers of the Word. Summit is conducting a feasibility study to determine how these new opportunities could benefit the Lord”s kingdom. To obtain more information, and view the pictures of these buildings, visit www.summit1.edu. As these opportunities are reviewed, administrators and staff can certainly see “God at work at our school.”

TCM International Institute

With global Christianity expanding greatly through national missionary and evangelistic efforts, a critical need continues for advanced education of national and international leaders, especially in areas of the world where Western personnel are not needed or wanted.

A total of 1,184 TCMII graduates and students continue to share the gospel throughout Europe and Central Asia as they strive to be international disciple makers for Jesus. A record number of registered students in 2011 (812) come from 28 countries. Of these students, 64 are from Muslim-dominated nations.

TCMII increasingly is training national leaders from a wider geographic area, not only further east in Russia and Central Asia, but also more from the Middle East and Western Europe. Students typically come from international networks of current students and partner organizations. It is estimated TCMII students and graduates are ministering to at least 50,000 people throughout Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

In addition to replacing some staff transitioning back to the United States, the institute has also filled some new, growth-related positions. TCMII”s strategic plan is to have in place the personnel, structures, and financing to enroll at least 1,200 international disciple makers by 2013.

William Jessup University

“We are drinking from our saucer since our cup is overflowing!” That line, often quoted from an unknown author”s poem, is being illustrated by God at William Jessup University. WJU”s enrollment has increased by 80 percent since January 2009. There were 743 students enrolled at WJU last fall. The university has contracted with a nearby extended stay hotel to accommodate the anticipated overflow housing needs in fall 2011. WJU is most pleased that the school has not compromised quality to achieve the substantial increases in enrollment. The academic profile has actually increased.

The most compelling evidence of God”s involvement in the life of the university is that it has achieved all of this without a sitting president. The school”s board is faithfully attending to the task of finding a successor to Bryce Jessup. The search committee has been involved in a number of conversations with a highly talented pool of candidates. It is anticipated a new president will be introduced sometime this spring.


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