10 March, 2025

Lesson for Aug. 14, 2011: Making a Choice (Ruth 1:8-18)

by | 8 August, 2011 | 0 comments

This week”s treatment of the International Sunday School Lesson (for August 14) is written by Jonathan Feathers, senior minister with West Waynesboro Church of Christ in Waynesboro, Virginia.


Making a Choice (Ruth 1:8-18)

By Jonathan Feathers

(Note: The italicized words in this lesson may be used as discussion questions.)

Choices, choices, choices. Do I choose what is behind curtain number one, two, or three? Should I choose vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, or a combination of vanilla and chocolate? What will I do? Maybe I should ask, what choice do you think I should make?

(Describe a time you had to make a simple choice like hot or cold. Describe an experience where you had to make a difficult choice like purchasing a home or renting. Explain how you made that choice.)

Have you ever been forced to make a choice? I used to always make the same simple and safe choice. If I was ordering from a menu at a restaurant I frequently visited, I always ordered the same thing because I knew I enjoyed my meal and I had no need to try something different. What if I didn”t like it? I guess I figured I would just be wasting my money, so I would make the same decision every time. I would order my sandwich prepared the same way. I would order the same ice cream. But finally one day, I took a risk and made a different choice.

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In today”s lesson, Orpah and Ruth are faced with a choice. What will Orpah and Ruth decide?

(What do you do when you are faced with a choice? Do you choose the simple and safe response or is your choice sometimes risky?)

In Ruth 1:1-7 we learn how Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth came to be in their situation. A famine caused Naomi, her husband, Elimelech, and their two sons to move from Bethlehem to Moab. While residing in Moab, Naomi”s husband died and her two sons married Orpah and Ruth. After about 10 years, Naomi”s sons died. All three women were widowed. Some time later, Naomi received news that there was food again in Bethlehem and so she decided to return to her homeland. Naomi gave Orpah and Ruth a choice.


An Orpah Choice (Ruth 1:8-14)

In verse 8, Naomi instructs her two daughters-in-law to “go back, each of you, to your mother”s home.” Naomi kissed them and wept. However, Orpah and Ruth said they would go to Bethlehem with Naomi. In verses 11-13, Naomi explains to Orpah and Ruth why they should return to their homeland. As a result, Orpah chose to leave. Verse 14 says, “At this they wept aloud again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by.” Naomi”s argument had been convincing, and Orpah”s choice was logical and comfortable: return to her homeland, her family, and her former way of life””all she had known prior to marriage.

Like Orpah, most of us tend to choose the most comfortable way of life. We prefer consistency instead of the unknown. In faith, we lean toward the mundane and simple instead of taking bold risks like Ruth.


A Ruth Choice (Ruth 1:14-18)

Verse 14, however, says, “Ruth clung to her,” indicating Ruth made a different choice than Orpah. In the following verses, Ruth says to Naomi, “Your people will be my people and your God my God” (v. 16). What a bold risk! Ruth was willing to leave her homeland and take a huge step of faith. Ruth would go with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth displays great commitment and loyalty to Naomi. Ruth was willing to trust and follow God into an unknown future.

Like Ruth, we should take a bold step of faith in a God big enough for bold faith choices. When we do, we often are blessed in unimaginable ways.

Since taking a small risk in my dietary habits, I have enjoyed more of what is available. I moved from green peppers to jalepenos, from tacos to fajitas, from oranges to kiwi. Now I find it more difficult to decide what to order from a menu because I like everything I have sampled. I guess I just need to keep on sampling.

As inconsequential as these examples may seem, when it comes to matters of faith, we tend to make an “Orpah choice.” However when we make a “Ruth choice,” we step out in faith and experience more of what God can do!

(Describe a time you made an “Orpah choice.” Describe a time you made a “Ruth choice.”)


*Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, unless otherwise indicated.

August 8: Romans 10:5-13
August 9: Romans 12:3-8
August 10: Romans 14:1-9
August 11: Genesis 50:15-21
August 12: Exodus 1:8-21
August 13: Ruth 1:1-7
August 14: Ruth 1:8-18

ABOUT THE LESSON WRITER: Jonathan Feathers serves as senior minister with West Waynesboro Church of Christ in Waynesboro, Virginia. He is a graduate of Emmanuel School of Religion and Tusculum College and is pursuing a DMin from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Jonathan and his wife, Melanie, reside in Fishersville, Virginia. You may contact him at [email protected].


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