1 October, 2024

Praying for Tunisia As Never Before


by | 8 December, 2011 | 0 comments

Most Christians want to obey Jesus” command to “ask the Lord of the harvest . . . to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:38), but they struggle to know how to pray for a nation they”ve never visited and missionaries they seldom see. Do you want to join thousands of other Christians in united prayer for unreached people? Do you want to receive daily, specific, insightful prayer requests that will empower and intensify your prayers?

The website and associated movement www.Pray4Tunisia.com is bringing God”s people together and changing the way we approach prayer for the harvest fields.


Praying for missions is now more interactive.

“¢ There is multidirectional communication as Christians around the globe not only receive prayer requests, but share them with others instantly via Facebook, Twitter, and other media sources.

“¢ Praying people are empowered to mobilize others, either via the Internet or by distributing a sign-up sheet in their church, community group, Bible study, or youth group.


Praying for missions is now more concrete.

“¢ Those who are praying now have easy access to photos, videos, and maps, keeping them more tangibly connected to the remote people group for whom they are praying.

“¢ Instead of a vague direction for prayer, the network provides a specific daily request, and participants know exactly what and whom they are praying for.


Praying for missions is now more united.

“¢ Networks can serve multiple language groups and extend beyond cultural and geographical barriers, so each participant is joining brothers and sisters from around the world in a concentrated prayer effort.

“¢ Prayer networks extend beyond individual churches and denominations, surpassing individual differences in pursuit of God”s global kingdom.


Praying for missions has become more timely.

“¢ Prayer requests and testimonies can immediately be shared by anyone in the network, so thousands of people can begin praying at the very moment it is needed.

“¢ Participants can see the results and recognize the immediate and longer-term effects of their prayers.


Praying for missions is now more doable.

“¢ Daily, brief prayer updates empower people to intercede in significant ways in just a minute or two each day.

“¢ Technology allows participants to receive the prayer updates in whichever way is most useful for them.


Praying for missions is now more strategic.

“¢ The prayer updates are based on David Garrison”s research about how God has historically sparked church planting movements, so each prayer request is specific and intentional.

“¢ The network provides additional resources for those who want to pray with strategic insight and understanding.


You can join this powerful movement of prayer for Tunisia at www.Pray4Tunisia.com. Go there to sign up for daily prayer updates, read more about Tunisia and testimonies from local believers, and find other resources.


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