28 March, 2025

Learning from Trials: Find This Book and Read It! (Part 4)


by | 9 October, 2012 | 0 comments

By Brenda Garrison


Nine Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life: A Psychologist Probes the Mystery of Why Some Lives Really Work and Others Don”t
Dr. Henry Cloud
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2004

As a mom, I want my daughters to live the abundant lives Jesus promised us. One way I encourage them to do so is by giving them books that have spoken to me. One of our favorites is Nine Things You Simply Must Know to Succeed in Life and Love. 

In his book, Dr. Henry Cloud teaches nine principles that anyone can implement in his or her life in order to experience a life that works. We all have suffering, trials, and hard times, but have you noticed that some people grow wiser and richer in character through these times while others grow more bitter and angry? By living the nine things Cloud teaches, we will stop the cycle of failure and frustration. Instead we will learn from our trials, and move forward to live the rich lives God has for us.

I want my life to produce a hundredfold for God. In order to do that, I need to process life wisely. Living the nine things helps me to think through decisions and move forward in every area of my life. It has helped me on my journey to become the person God planned for me to be, and to live his plan for me.

My daughters realize the wisdom in Nine Things, as well. Recently, after a particularly disappointing experience, my 25-year-old daughter decided it was the last time she wanted to be negatively affected by such an experience. She picked up Nine Things and is rereading it to discover how to deal with that type of situation the next time it presents itself. She even gave a copy to her boyfriend.

The principles in Nine Things will enable us to be more effective ambassadors for the kingdom.


Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who is passionate about moving ahead with God and her relationships. Find her books He”s Not a Mind Reader and Other Insights for a Fabulous Marriage, Princess Unaware, and Queen Mom at www.standardpub.com. She and her husband of 27 years, Gene, have three young adult daughters.


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