2 October, 2024

40 Under 40: Aaron Brockett


by | 2 July, 2013 | 4 comments


Lead pastor, 
Traders Point Christian Church, 
Indianapolis, Indiana

“Masterful” was the only word in the e-mail I sent to Aaron on a Monday morning to comment on his sermon of the day before. It was the best word I could think of to express appreciation and to convey encouragement. Actually, there are many Monday mornings that this procedure could be repeated without becoming trite or overused.

Aaron”s teaching is relevant while firmly grounded in Jesus and his story . . . lengthy but highly engaging . . . delivered without notes yet extremely well-prepared. He is straightforward but disarming . . . bold but kind. The mature are fed, newborn believers are nurtured along, and searchers are enticed by the content and delivery.

Aaron is a disciple maker who is himself a disciple. He is a teacher and yet a student””a leader and still a follower. He recognizes his strengths but relies on the support of a strong team of staff and elders. Aaron studies thoroughly, knows his audience well, and connects easily. He relates to churched and unchurched people by remaining current and culturally relevant and by possessing a good and proper use of humor. While Traders Point”s statistics continue to swing upward, Aaron”s measurement of growth is changed lives.

In my opinion, Aaron Brockett is one of the finest communicators of God”s Word in the nation today.

“”Howard R. Brammer, pastor emeritus, Traders Point Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana 


  1. Audrey

    Howard, well spoken! God is using Aaron in wonderful ways!

  2. Kevin

    I’m sure Pastor Brockett is wonderful, but I feel it necessary to voice my distaste for these types of article. This Who’s Who type mentality we have is creating a harmful “celebrity” culture in our churches which is dangerous. Please reconsider articles like this in the future.

  3. Tammy

    I certainly understand Kevin’s concerned. Recently I was studying Ephesians and realizing again who we are in Christ. Each of us, in Christ, become the workmanship of God. In praising one of the masterpieces of God we are actually praising the Master! I heard Aaron’s sermon and I would call him along with all Jesus followers, a piece of God’s masterful work.

  4. David Knapp

    In response to Kevin:

    Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:16, “I urge you, then, be imitators of me.”

    These 40 under 40 aren’t saying that in these articles, but I think it would be good for us to imitate them. It’s good to read about those who are faithfully serving. It’s always great to have godly examples to imitate.

    Paul wasn’t a celebrity and neither are these 40 under 40.

    I have no problem with these articles.

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