2 October, 2024

40 Under 40: Abhijeet Lall


by | 9 July, 2013 | 0 comments

Director of the children”s ministry,
Central India Christian Mission

Abhijeet Lall works with Central India Christian Mission (CICM) as director of its children”s ministry. Abhijeet loves working with the youth in India. Just 23, Abhijeet has a high connectivity factor with young people.

Sixty-five percent of India”s population is under 25 years old. Abhijeet”s challenge is to present the gospel in a way that communicates to India”s youth in an attractive way. Abhijeet and his wife, Katie, are currently investing all their energy in reaching the millions of unreached youth in India through the children”s ministry.

Abhijeet is not only instrumental in helping to change the lives of children in India, he also changes lives in the United States. He has preached at numerous Christ In Youth conferences, where he shares his knowledge of the work in India with the young people who attend. Also, about 20 teams from the U.S. go to India every year to witness the work of CICM, and Bible college students also serve internships with the mission. These faithful visitors also share the work of CICM with people in the U.S.

While the methods of the next generation of leaders may be different, the vision of CICM will remain the same. The new CICM leaders will gain trust through producing quality work and results, while learning from the senior leadership in India.

“”Lindsay Willingham, director of communications, Central India Christian Mission


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