2 October, 2024

40 Under 40: Amy Hanson


by | 6 July, 2013 | 0 comments

Speaker, writer, and consultant

When I first heard about Amy Hanson, I had to ask twice to be certain my unreliable hearing hadn”t deceived me. She”s the 50s-plus ministry director? At the huge Central Christian Church in Las Vegas? And she”s how old?

Yes, I had heard it right. She was not yet 30 and was in charge of a megachurch”s older adult programming.

Dr. Amy Hanson is one of the most dynamic young leaders among us. You don”t have to take my word for it. You can check out Amy”s blog at amyhanson.org, where you”ll find her addressing such topics as aging (she”s a gerontologist””a professional student of us old people), how to have a baby boomer ministry, how to encourage intergenerational relationships in the church, evangelism, and church planting, and many other topics. (In a recent post she even wrote about binge drinking among people 65 and older, a not-so-well-kept secret afflicting our age group.)

What can this remarkable, still-young woman do for your church? You can take advantage of Dr. Hanson”s expertise by inviting her for a weekend workshop on aging, volunteerism, creating a seniors” ministry, coping with Alzheimer”s, and other topics.

And for certain, read her book Baby Boomers and Beyond. She understands us!

“”LeRoy Lawson, international consultant, CMF International; professor of Christian ministries, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Johnson City, Tennessee; contributing editor, CHRISTIAN STANDARD; and a member of Standard Publishing”s Publishing Committee


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