2 October, 2024

40 Under 40: Melissa Hofmeister


by | 7 July, 2013 | 0 comments

Assistant director of networks and recruiting,

Melissa Hofmeister has emerged as a leader within the church, while keeping her roles as Christ follower, wife, and mom as priorities.

In the coming years, her influence on the Christian church will reach far and wide as she connects high-capacity, world-changing leaders to more than 45 Stadia church plants in the United States and Latin America. She”ll influence Muskego, Wisconsin, as God uses Melissa and her husband to transform lives through the new church they just planted. And most importantly, she will influence the mission field of the three boys who call her “Mom.”

While I have benefited greatly from working with Melissa, I”ve grown most significantly from her example as wife and mom. Many women balance ministry leadership with their primary calling to their families. But Melissa does it with the most Christlike character and effectiveness of any woman I know. As a result, the women in her church and community, and her coworkers, are personally challenged to love their families, churches, and workplaces with greater passion.

As more Christian women find ladies like Melissa to watch and learn from, the church will move mightily toward reaching and impacting more lives than ever!

“”Janie Mehaffey, associate director of marketing, Stadia


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