2 October, 2024

40 Under 40: Phil Allen


by | 2 July, 2013 | 2 comments

The Vine 2010

Vine pastor, (young adult ministry),

Shepherd of the Hills Church, 
Porter Ranch, California

When I think of Phil Allen, I think of the word powerful. There is a special rhythm, dynamic, and power in the way he speaks. It”s very captivating, especially among twentysomethings and thirtysomethings. It”s because of his giftedness to speak to this generation, as well as his unwavering commitment to the truth, that I am convinced he will be a key influencer in ministry in Christian churches in the coming year.

Phil possesses a calling from the Lord to communicate with passion and conviction. In his preaching, he invites every listener to repentance, much as Jesus and John the Baptist did. I think he has a little of both of them in him. And this message of repentance is desperately needed in today”s culture.

Phil”s core beliefs are mentorship and discipleship, and they”re two important pillars of his ministry in working with college-aged people. I”ve seen how he lives out 2 Timothy 2:2 on a daily basis. Each year, he takes hundreds of young adults from our church on a retreat to disciple and mentor them, and to teach them to do the same. A lot of people talk about discipleship, but Phil does it””in large numbers.

I believe God has uniquely positioned Phil and his wife, Nikko, to fill one of the voids in the Christian church by encouraging and fostering diversity wherever they go. It”s evident God has a special anointing upon both of them. I am confident God will use this dynamic duo (Phil as a powerful preacher and Nikko as an amazing worship leader) to pastor a great church and transform this generation.

“”Dudley Rutherford, senior pastor, Shepherd of the Hills Church, Porter Ranch, California


  1. Anoymous

    So here we go praising a preacher instead of the message about Christ and Him crucified. You non-denominational need to stop focusing on how to “improve” lives by “discipline” and instead of focusing on the work of Christ on the cross as being the ultimate and most sufficient event for our salvation.

    This is getting ridiculous. Shame on you guys.

  2. Nic

    Hey there. This is in response to the 1st comment. I can see how you see it that way, but here’s my take.
    It’s not praising a preacher it’s acknowledging him, which hardly gets done. This might encourage other pastors with the same ministry calling. If you knew him personally you would know he’s not into bringing about fame, acknowledgement to himself or being known.., but for the work Christ continues to do in & through his life. He loves to encourage young adults to own their own faith & know what it means to be a Christian.

    We do believe Christ’s sacrifice is ultimately the best expression of love, but we also recognize the work he is doing through us & in us through the Holy Spirit– which is not done. It wont be done until the day we see Christ.

    They teach & encourage young adults to live a life separate from the world by teaching from the Word, why we should & how to do so. Many children & young adults are given a big list of Do Nots, without any understanding behind it.
    I believe this is part of their focus; for young adult Christians everywhere to own their faith & walk accordingly.

    I’m sorry if it looks like a self help or do it yourself ministry but its not. Its a lets meet Jesus half way. Lets be apart of evangelizing to our community. Lets read with understanding the word of God. Lets fellowship & be discipled by older more mature believers within our church. Lets have accountability with our sin struggles. Let iron sharpen iron. Lets embrace Jesus’ sacrifice everyday by living a life of worship.

    Come check it out sometime. We welcome 🙂 everyone! There is also a podcast of the messages online. Vineonline.org

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