10 March, 2025

‘Are You Being Broken?’

by | 14 March, 2014 | 1 comment

1communion4_JNBy Kay Moll

In his book A Distant Grief, Kefa Sempangi says when he began his ministry in Uganda, he was challenged by some older ministers about the need for continual repentance. One of them would often ask him, “Are you repenting? Are you walking in the light? Are you being broken?”

The older minister went on to stress how important it is to be broken, even as Jesus was broken for the world. He said to be broken is to have no pride. If there is pride, there is no confession. If there is no confession, there is no forgiveness. Those who are broken are broken to heal broken relationships. Those who are broken do not find their identity in always being right.

Another minister read the story of the feeding of the five thousand. He read how Jesus took the loaves and the fish and looked up to Heaven and blessed and broke the loaves. Then he said, “Until God breaks your will, he will never use you. You will remain only a nice loaf of bread.”

He went on to say that the believer”s commitment to other believers should be no less than that of Jesus himself. The believer should be willing to say, “This is my body, broken for you.” And then the believer must be willing to offer talents, abilities, time, and resources to be broken for the good of others.

As you meet around the Lord”s table and as you thank him for allowing his body to be broken for you, ask yourself if you are willing to be broken for him and for others. Examine your heart to see if while accepting his great sacrifice, you have chosen in reality to remain a nice, unbroken loaf of bread.

Ask yourself, “Am I repenting? Am I walking in the light? Am I being broken?”


Kay Moll is a speaker and writer living in Mason, Ohio.

1 Comment

  1. Bruce Hayes

    Powerful meditation. Thank you Kay for your wisdom and insight into God’s Word!

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