What was your most memorable Lord”s Supper celebration? Recently I shared the table of the Lord with 800 believers at the International Church in Kathmandu, Nepal. These were mainly expatriates””Christians far from home who were hungry for the fellowship of Communion. It cheered my soul to be with believers who prized this moment so deeply.
Think back. What was a memorable Lord”s Supper for you? I can recall sharing at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday, with a village church in Uganda, and with a great crowd at the North American Christian Convention. What occasion is impressed in your memory?
My most memorable Communion time was in my home church in Idaho, in a room behind the stage, a few minutes after my baptism. It was my first Communion. My mother and father were there, both now gone to be with the Lord. An elder of the church I loved deeply was there (he also is in Heaven now). This elder took the time to explain what Communion meant to me personally, while looking directly into my young eyes. The minister who immersed me was there, a man whose faith and life inspire me to this day.
I look forward to the day when I will fellowship with these four, and many others, at a heavenly banquet table, for I believe the Lord”s Supper is a foretaste of that glorious time.
Most of all, Christ was there. He promised he would be, and I know he was. Christ is the one I am called to remember at the Lord”s Supper. He was at all my most memorable celebrations (and at the ones I don”t remember). I always remember him when I eat the bread, for it represents his body broken for me. I remember Christ when I drink from the cup, for the fruit of the vine is the color of his blood, shed for me.
The Lord”s Supper is a time of fellowship, but it draws me to picture my Savior hanging on a cross, dying as an innocent man for the sins of the world. I remember. I will never fully understand his love for me, but I remember him and love him back. “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25).
I remember, Lord Jesus. I remember. Let us remember our Lord as we eat
and drink this day.
Mark S. Krause is academic dean and professor of biblical studies at Nebraska Christian College in Papillion. He is also a regular contributor to Standard Publishing”s Standard Lesson Commentary.Â