3 February, 2025

Johnson to Begin Offering Free Online Course on Acts

by | 5 November, 2014 | 0 comments

By Jennifer Johnson

Johnson University (Knoxville, TN) has announced it will begin offering its Acts of the Apostles course online to the general public.

“This course is intended for church leaders, Sunday school teachers, and other Christians who are motivated to learn about the book of Acts on a deeper, more advanced level,” the school writes. “Course participants will not earn college credit; consequently, Johnson University is providing the course free of charge as a service to the church.”

Dr. Gregory Linton, professor of New Testament at Johnson, designed the course. He has taught the book of Acts for 15 years in both undergraduate and graduate settings, and revised the on-campus, for-credit version to be accessible to a wider audience. Participants can work through the course at their own pace, choosing which assignments they wish to complete; coursework includes reading assignments, narrated PowerPoints designed and recorded by Linton, and the option of posting to discussion forums. Learners can also take a midterm exam and final exam to assess the knowledge they have gained.

Enrolling in the course is as simple as e-mailing Linton at [email protected] to express your interest; he will enroll you and send you further instructions. Johnson reports that in the future Linton”s course on Pauline Literature will also be available in the same format.


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