2 February, 2025

Missions Ministries that Work: Markle Church of Christ


by | 6 November, 2014 | 0 comments

By Jon Rice

I believe Markle Church of Christ has sustained interest in missions for longer than I have been alive. This deeply rooted, mission-focused body of believers puts a lot of effort into providing missionary updates to our church and living out what we say is important. Mission commissioning and involvement is one of our five core values, for we believe “every member is called, by God, to actively engage in missions” (see Matthew 28:18-20).

A GO!Group from Markle Church of Christ teams up with other churches to replace a roof at the Woodburn Christian Children

A GO!Group from Markle Church of Christ teams up with other churches to replace a roof at the Woodburn Christian Children”s Home on April 20, 2013.

Faith promise is a key element to sustaining interest in missions. Faith promise is a personal commitment each person can make to God to help support making Jesus known throughout the world. It is a belief Jesus can change lives (including the lives of our membership). Faith promise is a commitment between members and God that stretches each one”s faith. It is outreach-directed giving above regular tithes and offerings. It is the budgeting engine for our mission support, outreach, and education.

Faith promise is a chance to see God do amazing things through our church body”s combined efforts. Although faith promise is year-round, we believe special updates and mission events help keep us focused.

Each October for 50 years we emphasize missions with a faith promise rally. This is the special time when faith promises are made. Speakers from missions we support””such as Rick Jett, executive director of IDES””are featured at the rally. Some speakers are missionaries who return home to Markle during this special time, such as David and Sheri DeBolt of Casa de Niños in Mexico. Challenges from our speakers are focused on carefully selected mission themes that key in on different aspects of missions. By setting aside these two Sundays each year, we are inviting God to stir our hearts corporately to achieve something greater for his purpose.



Markle Church of Christ has been blessed to send several missionaries or Timothys onto the mission fields. This is a huge help in so many ways. We have an excellent pool of special speakers for our faith promise rally and at other times during the year, and people make personal connections with several of our missions and missionaries. We have the honor of sharing and worshipping with family of these missionaries in our assembly each week. I guess you could say there is a grassroots aspect to missions at Markle.

MCC encourages our membership to participate in short-term mission trips, and we make opportunities available each year for members to do so. We visit established missionaries on the field we support. Members from these teams return and become ambassadors for those missions. Team members develop personal relationships with the missionaries and the people there. Their excitement upon returning is infectious.

One MCC success story has been our GO!Groups. A GO!Group serves as an icebreaker into the world of missions, helping mobilize the church to be the church. GO!Groups prompt Sunday school classes, small groups, and individuals to experience a one-day work trip or visit to a nearby mission. Some groups are limited in number to the size of the task or facility””such as A Friend”s House women”s shelter””while others are aimed at whole-church events such as an IDES food-packing event.

A team captain who is familiar with the local mission leads the group. Some GO!Groups purchase materials and supplies and go and do the work. Some groups go to see and learn””such as visiting the Allen County Jail to better understand the chaplaincy we support there.

A larger number of GO!Groups are offered during the Saturdays of our faith promise rally, but GO!Groups occur throughout the year. We have found that by offering practical means for people to serve, missions interest increases.



It can be challenging to keep missions updates fresh, personal, and exciting in order to keep people up to date and in the know about the people and programs we support. We have tried bulletin inserts and onscreen updates before worship, but they just don”t have the personal touch.

Short, monthly “mission moment” updates by missions team members who have a real interest in the work they are presenting are helping us overcome this challenge. People see how their mission dollars are changing lives throughout the year, and this creates excitement.


Jon Rice serves as missions chairman with Markle (Indiana) Church of Christ. 


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