9 March, 2025

Colleges Discussing Collaboration

by | 29 January, 2015 | 0 comments

missions-ncc-logo“Nebraska Christian College is studying the possibility of collaborating with Hope International University to begin a Christian University system with other colleges throughout the country,” according to ncinitiative2015.wordpress.com, a blog set up to  provide updates on the discussions.

The blog entry goes on to say,


John Derry, the President of Hope International University (http://www.hiu.edu) reached out to Nebraska Christian College in hopes of beginning talks of mutual collaboration. This original email exchange led to two subsequent meetings between President Derry and the Executive Team of NC to discuss ways in which this collaboration could drive mission to a greater extent.

We are thrilled to announce that January 12th a third meeting took place with additional cabinet members from Hope, the Exec Team of Nebraska Christian, and the executive committee of the Trustees.  In a unanimous decision, all parties have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the option of becoming a branch campus of Hope International.


Read more about the discussions at ncinitiative2015.wordpress.com. The blog will be updated monthly by NCC interim President Tony Clark.

Additionally, the collaboration talks include Crossroads College in Rochester, MN, according to this post on Crossroads’ website.

Read more about Nebraska Christian College at nechristian.edu. Hope International University’s website is hiu.edu. Crossroad College’s website is crossroadscollege.edu.



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