10 March, 2025

Getting Ready for Easter: Camarillo (CA) Christian Church


by | 5 March, 2015 | 0 comments

Preparation, Pictures, and Prayer Stations

By Charles Maloney, senior pastor, Camarillo (California) Christian Church

03_JJ_Easter_Maloney_JNOur student ministries department put together a guided Good Friday prayer walk involving “prayer stations” covering the events of the final week of Jesus” life, ending at the crucifixion. The prayer stations included pictures and prayer ideas, complete with drawings for children to color, for each of the days leading up to the events of Good Friday.

The prayer walk was from noon to 7 p.m., so people could come during the day or after work. We encouraged families to participate together.

The last prayer station looked forward to the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

A side benefit of this all-church activity was the preparation and research the students put into creating the prayer stations.


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