9 March, 2025

You Can Help Nepal

Buzz, Features, News

by | 29 April, 2015 | 0 comments

By Jennifer JohnsonUnknown-2

Many mission agencies and international ministries are working to provide relief, support, and financial resources to those affected by Saturday”s devastating earthquake in Nepal. Central India Christian Mission, which has worked in Nepal the last 15 years, writes, “On a typical Saturday morning, many Nepalese churches meet for weekly worship services. On Saturday, April 25th, at 11:56 am when maUnknown-3ny Nepalese brothers and sisters in Christ were worshipping, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake occurred. It destroyed almost everything in the country. From Saturday until now, approximately 45 earthquakes have happened in the country. It has brought huge destruction. The death toll is increasing each hour as more bodies are found under the debris. Many Christians have lost their homes to the earthquake and are left with no shelter or food.

Nepal is one of Asia”s poorest countries and has little ability to fund major reconstruction on its own effort. We have a great cUnknownhallenge to help this suffering country. Some of the biggest needs are rice, lentils, drinking water, blankets, bed sheets, tarps or tents, dried fruit, and assistance with rebuilding homes.”

Click here to give online to support CICM”s ministry.



Unknown-6As part of Nebraska Christian College“s “Week of Ministry” program, several NCC students and professor Mike Cahill arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal just a few hours before the quake hit and were attending a church service when it began. All of the group members are safe, staying in tents, and trying to assist victims and help with recovery efforts as much as possible. As of right now the group is scheduled to return on time to Omaha  May 4.

International Disaster Emergency Service is in touch with three missions in or near the disaster area, and needs funding for the support efforts. Please give online here or send a check to IDES, PO Box 379, Noblesville, IN 46061. One hundred percent of all money designated for Nepal will be given to help the people there.

Food for the Hungy is also raising funds and deploying teams in Nepal and India. Their team is working with partners on the ground and has sent emergency response specialists including shelter, health, and logistics advisors. A small team of doctors is scheduled to arrive in the area in the next few days to assist with emergency medical needs. Click here to donate.

Christian Missionary Fellowship partners with Victor John whose social work agency is located about 60 miles from the Nepali border. As funds become available, John will take clean drinking water to affected areas. “Getting access to safe water is the major problem, which was an issue in Nepal even before the earthquake,” John says. Donate to this effort here.



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