22 January, 2025

A High-Tech Small Group Solution for Busy Lives

by | 1 May, 2015 | 2 comments

You are leading a small group or you want to start one to reach out to people who are struggling””in their marriages, in their jobs, with the lives and choices of their children, and sometimes with life itself. You are passionate about building a community that makes a difference. But what do you do when people tell you, over and over again, that they simply don”t have enough time for another commitment in their already stressed-out lives?

This was the question Hasandra Heyward was dealing with. In response, she helped start a Women”s Online Growth Group and set up a website as a meeting place for busy women (www.womensonlinegrowthgroup.com). To help make the community more personal, weekly live “tele-classes” via a conference call were added.

Heyward is a member of Burnt Hickory Church of Christ in Marietta, Georgia (www.burnthickory.org). Initially, members of the church comprised the majority of the group, but now the conference calls include more than 50 women from at least 17 states and Nova Scotia in Canada.

“The group has been tearing down walls and building up hearts since day one,” says Heyward, “teaching truth and challenging lies, excuses, and apathy.” The goal is now expanding, Heyward said, “to encourage and edify the women who are not Christians and to teach the love of Christ.”

For more information, see The Christian Chronicle article “A Small Group with a Big Impact” at www.christianchronicle.org or the ministry”s website at www.womensonlinegrowthgroup.com.

Michael C. Mack

Michael C. Mack is editor of Christian Standard. He has served in churches in Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, and Kentucky. He has written more than 25 books and discussion guides as well as hundreds of magazine, newspaper, and web-based articles.


  1. Sharon

    The Growth Group is a great example of how God will use anyone and anything to share His Word with those who seek Him. It’s a group of sisters using iron to sharpen iron 21st Century style.

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