10 March, 2025

No More Soggy Slippers

by | 7 August, 2015 | 0 comments

By Steve Wyatt

It was winter in West Virginia. Snow had freshly fallen and I, a 9-year-old geek if there ever was one, was wearing my cotton-flannel Zorro PJs and a brand-new pair of monster feet slippers.

3communion6_JNSomething happened that was not to my liking (I can”t remember what it was), so I announced I was leaving. Moving out. Running away.

No sooner had those words exited my mouth than Dad leaped out of his chair, grabbed a medium-sized suitcase, and proceeded to pack my bag.

In less than three minutes, I was standing all alone on the front porch in my cotton-flannel PJs and my monster feet slippers, with a hastily packed suitcase in hand.

So much for my dramatic exit. As the cold quickly overtook those cheesy slippers, I remember thinking, You didn”t think this through so well, did you?

I walked three and one-half blocks before my rebel spirit was broken. So I turned toward home, and all I could think was, What”s Dad going to say? Will he have already rented out my room? Or will he be glad that his five-minute rebel has finally come home?”

Sure enough, my dad was standing on the front porch, smiling. It”s like he knew I”d come back. And then he ran out to meet me and wrapped those big, burly arms around me, and lifted me into the air! And my monster feet slippers? They helplessly dropped to the ground.

The Bible tells us that sometimes our heavenly Father will release us to our rebellion, too. Knowing that our rebel heart will never be content until it is broken””he lets us walk away. But even as we leave, he”s waiting for our return. And in the moment he sees us, he runs to greet us and to welcome us home.

And then he invites us to share a meal at his table. A little bit of bread, a tiny sip of juice, but it”s God”s forever reminder to everyone who wanders””there is still a place for you.

So kick off those soggy slippers and unpack that bag filled with regret. And come””take your place. Because in the moment you take that first step toward him, the Father will come running to meet you there.

Steve Wyatt serves as lead pastor with The Crossroads Church in Anthem, Arizona.


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