7 September, 2024

Why Did You Initially Get Involved in Ministry?

by | 1 September, 2015 | 0 comments

10_Ministry-chart_JNBy Michael C. Mack

In July, we asked you why you initially got involved in ministry. We defined ministry as any type of service (paid or volunteer) you engage in through your church, a parachurch organization, a civic organization, or individually. We also posted the question on our Facebook page, BestMinistryPractices, and on Twitter, @CSBestPractices.

Here are the results:

35% “” Someone asked or influenced me

32.5% “” A direct calling from God (like Moses in Exodus 3)

20% “” I sensed a need to use my particular spiritual gifts and/or talents

10% “” I responded to a specific need (the need was the call)

2.5% “” Other


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