11 January, 2025

Joyful Discovery

by | 9 October, 2015 | 1 comment

By Greg Swinney

Columbus Day was recognized as a federal holiday in 1937 to celebrate Christopher Columbus”s heroic voyage of adventure and discovery. Many people working in banks, public offices, and businesses will enjoy a day off in recognition of the discovery of America. Maybe you are someone who is blessed with an employer who will close the doors and give you the day off. Now might be a good time to gain a better appreciation for the spiritual significance of the holiday.

In one of his journals, Columbus wrote, “I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy his marvelous presence.”

The first act of Columbus upon setting foot in the new land was to set up a standard of the cross and claim this new land in the name of Jesus Christ. The commemoration of his bravery, spirit of faith, and longing for discovery is well worth celebrating.

You may sense a connection with Columbus this morning. Maybe your life looks more and more like an adventure to the unknown. You may be praying, “What”s my next move, Lord?” Others may relate to Columbus”s comment about the need for mercy and a sense of God”s presence. Still others hunger for God”s Word and are eager to discover a fresh new insight and set their feet on the solid ground of a biblical truth that will transform their life.

Meeting around the Lord”s table unites our hearts in this adventure of faith and the joy of discovery. We do it all in the name of Jesus and for his glory. Second Thessalonians 1:12 says, “We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

As the loaf and cup remind us of Jesus” body and blood given for our forgiveness, let”s also take a moment and, in the name of Jesus, proclaim our lives as his territory. The standard set over the Communion table is also the standard set over our hearts””the cross of Christ.


Greg Swinney serves as ministry facilitator with Crossroads International Student Ministries, Kearney, Nebraska.


1 Comment

  1. john allcott

    I can’t share this one on Facebook!
    I have a bunch of ‘friends’ there who are of aboriginal Western Hemisphere tribes (commonly & incorrectly known as Indians, or as Native Americans, which is not nearly specific enough, since most of the US population is native, meaning they were born in that land).
    They are convinced that old Chris was more evil than Hitler.
    A lot of what he’s accused of is pretty rotten, & some of the accusations are credible.

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