10 March, 2025

There”s an App for That

by | 23 October, 2015 | 2 comments

By Greg Swinney

Advertisers for software applications constantly remind us “There”s an app for that!” A simple Internet search will find more than 200 million websites with apps for everything we need””computer games, grocery shopping lists, gasoline prices, travel maps, and more. Floating messages across a crowded computer screen try to convince us there”s an app for every need of our lives. Still, can a multicolored icon on an iPad or smart phone really meet our deepest need?

Our struggles with past failures and shortcomings seem to haunt us. Sometimes doubt threatens our certainty of God”s unconditional love for us. What about our hope for an eternal home with a loving Savior? These thoughts drift into our minds and we secretly wonder, Is there an app for that?

There”s good news for each of us today, but it”s not found on a computer screen. God has provided an “app” for our hearts that meets our deepest need. The Lord”s Supper brings us a weekly reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins, our complete forgiveness through his grace, and his unselfish love for each of us.

Our need for his grace and the reality of our forgiveness is not met through the flickering pixels of a computer screen, but through the personal sacrifice of Jesus as represented through these emblems of his body and his blood. Powerful words from Hebrews 9:14 compel us, “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death,
so that we may serve the living God!”

The words of an old hymn written by Elisha A. Hoffman in 1878 (long before computer programs) remind of this “app” today.

Down at the cross where my Savior died,

Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,

There to my sin was the blood applied;

Glory to His Name!


Today, let”s give him the glory due his name for all he did for us through his personal sacrifice for us on the cross. As we share in the loaf and the cup, let”s thank him for meeting our deepest need.


Greg Swinney serves as ministry facilitator with Crossroads International Student Ministries, Kearney, Nebraska.



  1. David Cole

    Sorry but God’s love is not “unconditional.” There are many conditions to the reception of eternal life, namely active trust in Christ.

  2. Robert Deuel

    Mr. Cole,

    I would have to disagree with that statement. I would be careful about calling God’s love not “unconditional.” God’s love being unconditional does not mean that we will not be disciplined for our trespasses. Scripture clearly teaches that God’s love is unconditional; however, grace and salvation are conditional. Just because God loves us does not mean we will not be punished for our sins. I think perhaps this is what you meant; however, I could be wrong. God bless and have a wonderful day.

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